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Higher Education News

Finding a Workplace Where You Fit

Exploring graduate career options and determining potential career paths is tough enough, but that's just what gets you started in the graduate job search.

The Jerks of Academe

If you spot one of these jerks in the wild — at a conference hotel, on the other side of the seminar table, at a campuswide committee meeting — react as if you had spotted a bear.

How to Counter the Isolation of Academic Life

[Academic] life can be lonely. The traditional academic model requires you to demonstrate autonomy in scholarship and teaching....Loneliness is especially problematic if you an uncongenial department...But don't be fooled.

Advice for Writing -- and Finishing -- Your Dissertation

Since we have chosen self-flagellating vocations, it is perfectly fine to remind yourself that you do not need to be chained to your desk in order to produce solid written work.

Navigating the Surprising Stress of a Job Offer

Looking for a job can be pretty terrible, and it’s often a long slog....A sudden offer, or the sense that one might be incoming, can prompt as much panic as delight.

How College Became a Commodity

The story of how the language of scarcity and individual investment became bipartisan orthodoxy begins with the marginal ideas of neoliberal economists in the years after World War II.

You Want to Write for the Public, but About What?

Do you want to make the transition from scholarly to public writing? What do you have to contribute to public discourse?

Don’t Fall Prey to Predatory Journals

It sounds too good to be true—and it often is. A journal emails you out of the blue offering to publish your research right away for just a couple hundred bucks. These predatory…

Academe's Extinction Event

Academe, as anyone knows who’s tried to leave it, is like a partner who is wrenchingly hard to quit.... The humanities are in the midst of an extinction event. No one knows what it will leave in its wake.

Learning to Do Less During Challenging Transitions

Masking our problems and pretending that everything is going well for a time instead of being honest and dealing with those issues is one of the biggest problems in our society.

Ten rules for succeeding in academia through upward toxicity

Think the way to forge a brilliant career in academe is to produce good research, teach skilfully and mentor generously? That arduous approach works for some – but there is an easier way.

Recipients of Fall 2019 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost’s Graduate Research Award.

How One Common Phrase Can Undermine Your Job Search

A phrase that I have committed myself to highlight, circle, underline or cross out in every instance so that I can share this pet peeve with each student I see. A phrase that has become the bane of my very existence: “I had the opportunity to …”

Five nations dominate global innovation – WIPO report

Five nations accounted for nearly half of all scientific activity around the world as well as the great majority of patents issued during the three years to 2017.

Here's Smarty-Pants, Home for the Holidays

[This article is from seven years ago, but still seems pertinent. -Ed.] When Melissa Boone visits her family for the holidays, she is enveloped by the clatter of pots and pans and the…

Trying Things That Scare You

Many academics have a fixed mind-set about their intelligence and their work. We’ve tied our identities to being smart, to being good at our jobs. For many of us, that’s what drew us to graduate school. And it can be a trap.

3 Ways to Survive Academe With Kids

As midcareer professors, we often hear newcomers to the tenure track worry about having to choose between academe and family life. Likewise among graduate students, the general perception is that, to succeed, they…

Internships for International Grad Students: A Step-By-Step Guide

Internships are a great way to develop your professional network in the United States and gain practical experience in your field of study before you complete your degree. Contrary to popular perception, internships aren’t just for undergraduates.