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Higher Education News

Great Advice Is Closer Than You Know

If you are in graduate school or beyond, you've lived long enough to know how to respond to challenges that life presents you, Victoria McGovern writes. What would your younger self tell you?

Graduate School Prepared Me to Self-Quarantine

As a Ph.D. from an American university, and now a journalist/consultant based in Rome, I’d like to offer U.S. academics a few suggestions for surviving your time in quarantine, gleaned from what might seem like a surprising source: graduate school.

At-Home Networking Strategies

With growing anxiety and isolation spreading across the globe, COVID-19 affects all aspects of our lives. The job market is no exception. While networking remains the top way to find and secure your…

Moving Online Now

Free access to a collection of articles by the Chronicle of Higher Education:

‘I Will Survive’ Teaching Online

Michael Bruening, an associate professor of history and political science at Missouri University of Science and Technology, serenades professors with an online teaching-themed cover of "I Will Survive." Bruening’s lyrics are tongue-in-cheek...

Hope Matters

While the technological know-how to virtually connect with our students is necessary, it is not sufficient to continue the teaching and learning, we need to connect emotionally -- especially in times of anxiety and uncertainty.

Scholars Talk Writing: Eric Jager

Provide pictures in the old-fashioned way: through words

What Not to Say in a Job Interview at a Two-Year College

Every March, as faculty interview season gets underway at two-year colleges, I find myself thinking back on some of the memorable train wrecks I’ve witnessed. There was the extremely promising — not to…

Gender and Ageism in the Academy

Inside Higher Education (March 4, 2020) In her essay “Age, Race, Class, and Sex,” black lesbian feminist Audre Lorde noted that ageism distorts relationships and encourages people to repeat mistakes of the past.…

Why Every Doctoral Student Should Volunteer Off Campus

Ihad just received a private tour of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and seen treasures like B. F. Skinner’s famous Teaching Machine, but as I sat in a curator’s office and looked out…

Finding a Workplace Where You Fit

Exploring graduate career options and determining potential career paths is tough enough, but that's just what gets you started in the graduate job search.

The Jerks of Academe

If you spot one of these jerks in the wild — at a conference hotel, on the other side of the seminar table, at a campuswide committee meeting — react as if you had spotted a bear.

How to Counter the Isolation of Academic Life

[Academic] life can be lonely. The traditional academic model requires you to demonstrate autonomy in scholarship and teaching....Loneliness is especially problematic if you an uncongenial department...But don't be fooled.

Advice for Writing -- and Finishing -- Your Dissertation

Since we have chosen self-flagellating vocations, it is perfectly fine to remind yourself that you do not need to be chained to your desk in order to produce solid written work.

Navigating the Surprising Stress of a Job Offer

Looking for a job can be pretty terrible, and it’s often a long slog....A sudden offer, or the sense that one might be incoming, can prompt as much panic as delight.

How College Became a Commodity

The story of how the language of scarcity and individual investment became bipartisan orthodoxy begins with the marginal ideas of neoliberal economists in the years after World War II.

You Want to Write for the Public, but About What?

Do you want to make the transition from scholarly to public writing? What do you have to contribute to public discourse?