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Graduate faculty and support staff comprise the core of this university…UIC works because they do! This page is intended as a source of information for graduate faculty and support staff. Please email with feedback and suggestions for these online resources.

Faculty & Staff News & Events Heading link

Faculty & Staff Resources Heading link


Graduate College Bylaws

The UIC Graduate College is organized and administered according to its Bylaws . This governing document outlines the membership, purpose and goals of the UIC Graduate College with specific prescriptions for how these shall be carried forth.

The original Graduate College Bylaws were approved by the Faculty Senate. Amendments are first approved by the Graduate College Executive Committee, and then by vote at the Annual Meeting of the Graduate Faculty.

Graduate College Elections

Executive Committee Resources

Awards & Diversity Awards Committee Resources

Directors of Graduate Studies Resources

Graduate College Academic Divisions

Graduate & Professional Enrollment Management Reports

Office of Vice Provost for Academic & Enrollment Services Reports

PhD Program Review

College and Department Codes
ISIS and Banner college codes and Banner department codes

Student and Course Level Codes (last updated 22 February 2021)
Codes used for student and course levels in Banner

Program Codes
ISIS curiculum and Banner program codes (2G and 2Y only)

Joint-Degree and Ongoing Concurrent Programs
Officially approved graduate joint-degree programs and ongoing concurrent programs

Certificate Programs
Approved “Campus” and “IBHE” certificate programs

Concentrations in a Single Program
Approved concentrations within a specific program

Interdepartmental Concentrations (last updated 03 March 2009)
Approved concentrations available in multiple programs

Educational Goal Codes (last updated 03 March 2009)
Educational Goal codes used by Graduate College

Recruitment Data Resources

Forms & Publications

Forms used (initiated) by faculty and staff pertaining to graduate students. The office that controls the form or publication is listed at the end, if it is not the Graduate College.

Some forms require authentication via the University Bluestem system.

Registration and Related

The Online Grade Request should be used in most cases for reporting a missing grade or changing a grade after the grading deadline for a term is past. For some limited scenarios the paper Supplemental Grade Report form, available from your department’s office, may be required.

Request for Change of Graduate Program Form

This form along with instructions on it’s use can be found on the Student Forms page, linked below.

Graduate College Website Support

Support resources for the Graduate College website.

Online Learning at UIC

The University of Illinois at Chicago offers a number of online learning opportunities. At the graduate level there are master’s programs and certificates. Use the following links to view information about UIC’s online programs.

UIC Global Grad Direct

NOTE: UIC’s contract with Shorelight for the Graduate Direct program has now ended so no additional programs will be added to the portfolio and no students will be accepted in future semesters for the Graduate Direct program. All UIC Global Graduate Direct students will continue to be supported in their programs through graduation.

UIC Global is a collaborative partnership between UIC and Shorelight to recruit and matriculate international students into master’s degree programs at UIC. UIC Global utilizes a network of on-site recruiters around the globe to promote UIC graduate programs and work with students through the UIC admissions process.

Click below to learn more in the UIC Global Grad Direct FAQ.