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Graduate College News

Graduate College News & Announcements

Jim dwarfed by stacks of theses and dissertations.

Dr. James Kollenbroich retires!

Historian James (Jim) Kollenbroich, PhD — yes, he had to approve his own dissertation, “Our hour has come: The homosexual rights movement in the Weimar Republic” (2006) — has retired from UIC. First…

Recipients of Spring 2024 awards and retention fellowships

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the recipients of several internal competitions: Graduate Mentoring Award Award for Graduate Research Provost’s Graduate Internship Award Access to Excellence Fellowship Dean’s Scholar Fellowship Recipients have…

Recipients of Spring 2024 Recruitment Fellowship Offers

The Graduate College is pleased to announce recipients of its recruitment competitions: the Access Fellowship (recruitment); the University Fellowship (UF); and the Pipeline to an Inclusive Faculty (PIF) Fellowship. Recipients have been notified.…

Recipients of Fall 2023 awards (updated 5/1/24)

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the recipients of several internal competitions: Award for Graduate Research Fellowship for International Research Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation…

Recipients of Fall 2023 awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the recipients of several internal competitions: Award for Graduate Research Fellowship for International Research Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation…