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Higher Education News

Scholars Talk Writing: Vincent Brown

Let your argument and story emerge from your interpretation of the research. Don’t just apply theory or report on sources. Take writing seriously as an art form: Choose words that are worthy of your compositions.

Scholars Talk Writing: Eve L. Ewing

If Eve L. Ewing were a superhero, her special power would have to do with words. She is that rare academic able to combine scholarship, poetry, and writing for Marvel Comics.

Accomplish the Things That Matter

During graduate school, I was frustrated by how my ambitions kept outrunning my time. I resolved to learn how to get more done. To succeed, all graduate students must develop a sense of how manage the big, unconstrained nature of their work...

Recipients of Fall 2020 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost’s Graduate Research Award.

UIC graduate students & alumni offered Fulbright awards for 2020-2021

“UIC students are exactly the kind of candidates that Fulbright is seeking,” note Kim Germain and Benn Williams, who serve as UIC's Fulbright Program Advisors. Since 1949, nearly 150 UIC students have received Fulbright grants.

Higher Ed’s Prickliest Pundit

Scott Galloway believes higher education is overdue for a reckoning.

How to Cope With Covid-19 Burnout

Having lived through burnout and come out of it stronger and wiser, Pope-Ruark has been sharing her experience with others, in hopes of offering support and advice for how to deal with teaching during a pandemic. Coping with burnout....

2020-2021 Recipients for the Access to Excellence Fellowship

The goal of the Access to Excellence Fellowship is to increase the number of students from historically underrepresented groups in graduate education who enter careers as researchers and college faculty. Recipients of the…

Why is Zoom so exhausting?

It’s admittedly difficult to know how much of the exhaustion many academics are feeling is about the way they’re communicating and how much is about what they’re living through. But there’s something inherently draining about video chats.

Recipients of the 2019-2020 Graduate Mentoring Award

Graduate Mentoring Awards are designed to encourage and award excellence and innovation in all aspects of graduate mentoring. Each year the Graduate College provides up to four awards of $2,000 each per year.…

Recipients of Spring 2020 Funding

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of five vernal competitions: the Access Fellowship (retention); Award for Graduate Research (spring competition); the Dean’s Scholar Fellowship; the Graduate Mentoring Award; and the…

‘Academic’ Means More Than Tenure Track

About a year ago, I made a career transition into professional and academic development support for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. I have found the work immensely fulfilling, and as with any other…

Navigating Culture Shock in Career Transitions

Some new beginnings are so promising, it feels like you’ve somehow landed yourself in a real-life fairy tale. When I moved to France for my first job after earning my bachelor’s degree, I…