Higher Education News

How to Give an Excellent STEM Job Talk

“For Ph.D.s on the job market in the sciences, no element of the hiring process is more important for making or breaking your prospects than the job talk.” Key areas: “Beyond “know your…

Collaboration as Career Value

Employers frequently list collaboration and teamwork among the top competencies they value. More graduate programs are also thinking about how to better integrate collaboration and project-based learning into their curricula....

The true costs of research and publishing

In academia, as everybody knows, it’s publish or perish. But it turns out that it’s also publish and perish.... (Times Higher Education)

OK, I Admit It: Productivity Is Overrated

“This year I turned 47, but instead of the traditional midlife crisis — wherein I rethink my partnership or my career, have an affair, or purchase something flashy I can’t afford — I’ve…

Publishing Isn’t Just About Volume; It’s Also About Strategy

“Question: I just finished Year 1 of my first tenure-track job at a research university. My aim is to get a contract for my first book within the next six months, and I’ve…

US colleges identify shortcomings in teacher training

The key to maintaining US leadership in science and engineering may rest not primarily with universities’ science and engineering programmes but rather with their schools of education, experts have told Congress.

Outcomes-Based Graduate School: the Humanities Edition

The numbers tell the story: In 2013, 39 percent of English Ph.D.s at Lehigh University found work only as contingent instructors. By late 2018, that figure had dropped to 9 percent. Instead of dead-end adjunct work, 46 percent of the university’s Eng

When It’s Right to Walk It Back

Sometimes, you may realize after the fact that you should have made a different decision, write George Justice and Carolyn Dever, and in such cases, it's OK to hit pause and start again.