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Faculty Listings

Standards for admission to membership in the Faculty of the Graduate College are determined jointly by the Dean and the Executive Committee of the Graduate College.  There are four levels of membership:  Full, Associate, Adjunct and Courtesy.  There is also a fifth category, applicable to retired faculty. Note that the levels of membership are different than the professor’s rank of full professor, associate professor, etc., even though some of the same terminology is used for both.

Graduate College Faculty Offline – This listing should be used by student and programs forming examination committees. It is periodically updated by Graduate College staff.

Graduate College Faculty Online – Graduate Faculty with Full or Associate membership in the Graduate College. This listing does not include retired faculty who retain membership, nor does it include Adjunct or Courtesy members.  Consult the complete list above for that information.

Membership Categories

Membership categories of Graduate College Faculty allow different rights and privileges pertaining to student mentoring and serving on student committees.  The following is excerpted from the Bylaws of the Graduate College.

Full Membership

Full membership is granted to faculty who are nominated by a UIC department or equivalent unit.

Full members are eligible to serve on the Graduate College Executive Committee. Full members are eligible to serve on the Awards Committee and Diversity Awards Committee, serve as a primary advisor for graduate students and be the chair or a member of student committees. Full members hold voting rights, and only full members are eligible to vote in Graduate College elections and at Graduate College faculty meetings.

Associate Membership

Associate members are typically non-tenure system faculty whose program wishes to grant them the right to serve as primary advisors to students in that program. Associate membership is granted upon recommendation to the Graduate College Dean by the Executive Officer of the department or equivalent unit in consultation with the Faculty. Distinguished individuals without a UIC appointment may be proposed for associate membership and approved for a fixed term.

Adjunct Membership

Adjunct members are typically UIC faculty or other employees who possess expertise that makes it likely and desirable for them to serve repeatedly on graduate student committees. Adjunct members must be UIC employees. They are appointed for three-year (renewable) terms through a recommendation to the Graduate College Dean from the Executive Officer of the department or equivalent unit in consultation with the Faculty.

Courtesy Membership

Courtesy members are typically non-UIC employees who possess some expertise that makes them desirable members of a particular graduate student committee. There are two types of courtesy membership: (A) Courtesy members who are appointed to sit on a specific committee and need to be reappointed for each committee; (B) courtesy members who will most likely be recurring members of committees due to an expertise they possess that is useful to the department or program and are appointed to one–year terms. Courtesy members are appointed through a recommendation to the Graduate College Dean from the Executive Officer of the department or equivalent unit in consultation with the Faculty.

Retired Faculty Membership

Retired faculty with full or associate membership automatically retain their memberships at the same level for three years after retirement.  Membership can be extended upon request to the Graduate College Dean by the Executive Officer attesting to the fact that the nominated faculty is still active in graduate education. Departments/programs may consider selecting a current faculty member to serve as a proxy dissertation or thesis chair if the student’s advisor/chair is unable to fulfill their responsibilities

Graduate College Faculty Membership Nominations

Graduate Faculty do not nominate themselves for membership. The Nomination Form for Graduate College Faculty Membership must be submitted from the Executive Officer’s (typically head or chair) office, of an academic department or equivalent unit that holds a graduate degree program.

If a faculty member is erroneously omitted from the list contact your unit’s Executive Officer.