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Higher Education News

One thing at a time: tips for making decisions

When it comes to our daily decisions, reducing the number of options can also help to ease the process.

Checklist for Job Seekers

There will be another job market next year. Start preparing for it now. The current search will have given you valuable experience

How to Be Yourself on the Page

We teach students to avoid first-person writing in their essays to make sure they focus on the topic, not on themselves. But there is no ban on using first person in academic journals or book publishing.

Enduring Skills and the Future of Work

No one succeeds on just their own skills and abilities. Rather, greatness is in the agency of others: engaging with, listening to, empathizing with, and working collectively... with others. That collective agency is essential.

Becoming an academic storm-chaser

We get one life. One career. And they are short. A glimpse and a glimmer in the history of time. If you were to truly embrace your internal academic storm chaser, what would you do courageously today?

Planning a Productive Summer

Treat your summer writing projects like a long road trip. I do not mean like Jack Kerouac hitchhiking across the U.S.A. Driving speed is only one factor here. The far bigger factors are how quickly you get out the door...

How to Optimize Your Career Preparation

Although embarking on a career path after finishing your graduate degree is exciting, it requires preparation. Sometimes the process can feel overwhelming. Do not let this daunt you. Take strategic steps.

How I learned to turn rejection into redirection

Rather than setting plans in stone, I’ve learned that sometimes I need to take the opportunities that are offered, even if they don’t sound exactly perfect at the time, and make the most of them.

Ensuring Underrepresented Grad Students’ Well-Being

Well-being and success in PhD programs are deeply tied to socialization within academic, professional, and personal spaces. The social aspects can be challenging to navigate, But establishing strong relationships with supportive individuals can help.

Why Do I Set Writing Deadlines That I Can’t Keep?

We all do this. We want so desperately to be done with a project that we set a “strict!” deadline that we’ve convinced ourselves is reasonable. When we fail to meet said deadline, we blame our own work ethic rather than the real culprit...

Top tips for choosing a PhD Supervisor

Selecting a PhD supervisor is one of the most crucial – and difficult – decisions a young researcher will have to make.

Time Management Tips for Dissertation Writing

Time. How easy it is to waste time, procrastinate, and be inefficient. Yet, one could say we make the most of life by how we make the most of time. When it comes to dissertation writing, it is important to manage time effectively.

Filling in the Gaps in Grad Student Career Readiness

“I was in the fourth year of my Ph.D. program when I realized I could say no to my adviser, remembers Shawn, one of the co-authors of this piece. It was a turning…

In Support of the Junk Drawer CV

There is a drawer in your kitchen or bedroom that is a catch-all for anything and everything. The junk drawer CV is a magical document: easily accessible and tucked away in your storage drive where you record high points and low points.