Graduate College Courses
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Course Information
Graduate students receive credit towards graduation for 400- and 500-level courses (some exceptions apply). The majority of graduate (400 and 500) level courses at UIC are offered through academic departments or schools. Students need to check with academic advisors in the program of study for advise on actual courses.
100-300 level courses are usually open for registration to graduate students, and credit appears on the transcript for any such courses that may be taken by the student; however, these courses do not count towards graduation credit nor are they calculated into the graduate degree grade point average used by the Graduate College for academic standing/probation and graduation. The grade point average that is included on the transcript, is calculated by the student level (e.g., undergraduate, nondegree, or graduate) includes all courses (100- through 500-level) taken by the student while under a particular level, but is not used by the Graduate College. It may be advisable for graduate students to take 100- through 300-level on a Credit/No-Credit option, if this is a concern.