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National & International Opportunities

UIC, U of I System, and Federal Opportunities

Graduate students at UIC are eligible to apply for a number of awards provided solely for students at UIC as well as awards for students enrolled in the University of Illinois system. The following awards are not handled by the Fellowships Office in the Graduate College.

Three Minute Thesis Logo

UIC Graduate College Three Minute Thesis 3MT® Competition 2024

UIC Graduate students you are invited to enter the Graduate College’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia.

The competition supports student’s capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. They must condense their research into a brief, engaging presentation, using a single presentation slide.  Students enrolled in either a Master’s or Ph.D. program with an original research project may compete.

Submit a 3-minute Vimeo video and fill out the short application at

Winners will have the chance to win up to $1,100 and the first-place winner will represent UIC in the 3MT competition held by the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools at the Le Méridian St. Louis Missouri April 4-5, 2024


  • You must be a current UIC Ph.D. or Masters student working on a Thesis or original research project.
  • If you are co-writing or collaborating on a project you can still present on your portion of the research for the 3MT.
  • If selected as a finalist you must be available to present IN PERSON at the Semifinal TBA February 28th-March 1st and must be available IN PERSON for the 3MT Final on March 8, 2024 between 3:00-5:00 PM on UIC East Campus. (time accommodations will be made for those teaching and or in coursework)
  • If selected as the first-place winner you will be asked to represent UIC at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT Competition and be able to attend the competition in St. Louis Missouri April 4-5, 2024.

Deadline : Friday February 23, 2024, 5:00 PM.

*For Questions or Specific Accommodations please contact Theresa Christenson-Caballero, Director of Graduate Student Professional and Career Development at or contact Jodi Aguilar, Graduate College Graduate Assistant  Make sure “3MT Question” is in the subject line of the email. Thank you.

Skip down to “State Programs” and “Institutional Programs.” For many of these, you will need to visit UIC SnAP.

UI System Awards

President's Research in Diversity Travel Assistance

The President’s Research in Diversity Travel Assistance is a competitive award program established for the purpose of promoting diversity and the understanding of diversity within the University. Recipients are provided a certificate and funding, not to exceed $600, to travel to a professional conference. Awards will be presented to up to ten (10) University of Illinois students in each biannual awards cycle. The reimbursement of travel expenses through these conference travel awards is intended to support student candidates who will be presenting papers, posters, or creative work at conferences related to issues of diversity or identity, such as those involving race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and national origin, in service to the University’s interest in a diverse learning community.

Award monies are limited to use for reimbursement of meeting registration, travel and lodging expenses that are directly related to the conference. The department/college will be responsible for travel expense processing after which award funds will be transferred to the department/college by the Vice President’s office.


Paul D. Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the Study of Aging

Paul D. Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the Study of Aging seeks to facilitate the study of aging by providing scholarships to two outstanding graduate students. These scholarships are made possible by an endowment from the Retirement Research Foundation to honor the late Mr. Paul D. Doolen, a long-time member of the University of Illinois Foundation Board of Directors.

Scholarships of up to  each may be awarded to two graduate students in their second year of study, or beyond, whose principal scholarly interest is in the field of aging. The scholarships may be awarded annually, and cannot be awarded more than once to the same individual. Priority for awarding this scholarship generally will be given to candidates who hold an assistantship or fellowship. The recipients who formally accept the award will be accorded recognition as “Paul D. Doolen Scholars.”

One student will be chosen from the biological-biomedical sciences and the other from the behavioral-social sciences. It is important that the applicant clearly mark the appropriate category on the application form and submit appropriate supporting documentation.

As a state institution, the University of Illinois provides waivers for children of U of I employees, children of veterans of Illinois, and senior citizens.

The Graduate College regularly nominates outstanding theses and dissertations to the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools and the Council of Graduate Schools. Nominees are selected from among past winners of the annual Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award.

US Federal Funding Opportunities - "The Fulbrights" Heading link

The Fulbright “brand” allows US students to go abroad and for foreign students to attend UIC. (There are also Fulbrights for post-docs and scholars to move in either direction, but they are not of our concern here.)

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year to study in the U.S.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is administered by binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by these offices.

Program eligibility and selection procedures vary widely by country. Please use the drop-down menu here to find information about the Fulbright Program in your home country, including eligibility requirements and application guidelines. If your country is not listed there, you are not eligible to apply.

The role of UIC’s Graduate College is to serve as liaison between the U.S. funding agency and the Office of Graduate Admissions, during the placement process, and then once matriculated at UIC, it services the fellowship waiver.

We await legislation resolving President Trump’s executive order that cancelled Fulbright program for Hong Kong and mainland China. This affects students coming from and and going to said region.

A new UIC student organization is being formed. It will provide networking opportunities for current Foreign Fulbright students as well as US Student Fulbrighters who are enrolled at UIC. Benn Williams will serve as staff advisor.

Fulbright fellowships, through the U.S. State Department provides for teaching, research, and study opportunities internationally for U.S. citizen students in various disciplines. Almost 200 countries are viable sites for placement. The national deadline is in October, but UIC graduate students must meet an earlier campus deadline and pass through a campus evaluation process. UIC’s campus deadline is September 7, 2023. Graduate students and alumni from UIC’s graduate programs should contact Benn Williams ( and Lindsay Marshall (, their dedicated university Fulbright Program Advisors. (Undergraduates and undergraduate alumni should contact Kim Germain in the Office of External Fellowships.)

In the 2020-2021 campaign, UIC had thirteen semi-finalists of whom seven became finalists. All seven were current graduate students, graduate-level professional students, or recent alumni of our graduate programs. In the 2021-2022 campaign, UIC has ten semi-finalists of whom four are finalists and two are  alternates. Sixty percent of the semi-finalists are graduate or professional students. In the 2022-2023 competition, UIC had 19 applicants, 12 of whom were graduate students or graduate alumni. Of the 12, half reached semi-finalist status. Three graduate alumni were offered an ETA and we had two alternates as well. UIC has 8 graduate and graduate alumni applicants–7 are semi-finalists. We await updates, but so far we have 2 finalists and 1 alternate. (Updated 3/24/23).

Graduate and professional students are encouraged to join a Fulbright-led group presentation on Zoom, April 19th: 1-2 pm. Register for the GPS here: UIC’s Fulbright Week of info sessions will be the week of April 10th.

Hong Kong and mainland China are not taking Fulbrighters in the 2023-24 competition.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program

The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program provides opportunities for full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. Students may request funding for a period of no fewer than six months and no more than 12 months. Funds support travel expenses to and from the residence of the fellow and the country or countries of research; maintenance and dependents(s) allowances based on the location of research for the fellow and his or her dependent(s); an allowance for research-related expenses overseas; and health and accident insurance premiums. Applicants should plan to have a teaching career in the U.S. after completion of the doctorate. A distillation of the FOA can be found below. The application process is onerous — please communicate with Benn Williams, the Fellowships and Awards Coordinator, if you plan to apply.

The campus deadline is December 31, 2024.

US Federal Funding - "Non-Fulbrights" Heading link

A number of federal agencies offer funding for graduate students to study foreign languages and/or conduct research abroad. Below is a selection.

Boren Fellowship

Are you interested in a career in public service? Are you interested in spending 6-12 months overseas using a critical language while also conducting your own research and/or performing an internship? If so, the Boren Fellowship may be an excellent opportunity for you.

Boren applicants may either elect to propose their own programs or participate in a structured language study initiative in areas related to U.S. National Security (broadly defined). Language study and cultural competency are important components to graduate education. Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for domestic and overseas study/immersion (minimum 12 weeks and maximum one year overseas.) Preference is given to proposals for 6 months (or longer) in duration for linguistic and cultural immersion. In exchange for funding, Boren Fellows commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. (Usually well-remunerated positions.)

Graduate students apply through the Boren/IIE Slate portal for this fellowship in the early spring. The Fellowships and Awards Coordinator can assist with the fellowship application. (The Boren Scholarship is for undergraduates.) UIC hosts a Boren representative-led info session almost annually.

Boren has a preference for students who wish to pursue a career in the federal government or in a contracting agency. The following is NOT an exclusive list of federal agencies for which Boren alumni find jobs: USAID; Corporation for National and Community Service; Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Defense, Health and Human Services (NIH, FDA), Justice, Interior, Labor, State, Treasury, Transportation, and Veteran Affairs; Congress  (including the Library of Congress).

Quick statistics from the 2021 competition (unless otherwise noted):

  • 124 of 334 applications for the Boren Fellowship were accepted for funding (a 37% success rate, down from 44%);
  • 59% of graduate students applying in 2020 to the specific language initiatives were selected for funding;
  • Most popular countries for fellows: (1) Jordan; (2) Taiwan; (3) Tanzania; (4) Brazil
  • Most popular languages for fellows: (1) Arabic; (2) Mandarin; (3) Swahili; (4) Portuguese;
  • Most common areas of study in 2020: (1) international affairs; (2) STEM; (3) public administration; (4) international development/area studies; (5) history;
  • Of 3970 alumni tracked; 1242 found their first federal job in the Department of Defense; 921 in the State Department;
  • Top six metro areas for federal employment: DC, NYC, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, and Austin;
  • Other top cities for federal employment: Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, Charlottesville, and Norfolk.

Campus deadline: 11:59 p.m. on January 9, 2024. National deadline: 4 p.m. on January 24, 2024.

Sponsored by the US Department of State, the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. (You must be a U.S. citizen or national at the time of your application.) The program includes intensive language instruction (>20 hours per week) and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. Students apply for a language — not a country. (Benn Williams is the liaison for graduate students; our students win!)

Currently, CLS funds these languages:

Why CLS?  A new section of the website communicates the impact of the CLS Program (see links below). The page has links to specific pages on language learning outcomes and alumni stories. In short, the CLS Program contributes to U.S. national security and economic prosperity.

DEADLINE: mid-November.

Citizens & Scholars Fellowships

Formerly known as the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the Institute for Citizens & Scholars fosters future generations of informed, engaged, hopeful citizens who reflect the diversity of our democracy. Below is a selection of the fellowships available to graduate students.

Keywords: government, Japan, Japanese, public policy

The Mansfield Fellowship Program was established by the U.S. Congress in 1994 to build a corps of U.S. federal government employees with proficiency in the Japanese language and practical, firsthand knowledge about Japan and its government. Through their placements, Fellows develop networks of contacts in Japan and an understanding of the political, economic and strategic dimensions of the U.S.-Japan relationship. Mansfield Fellowship Program alumni have skills, contacts and expertise that facilitate their agencies’ work on Japan-related programs and policies. They return to federal service with a deep, practical understanding of Japan, including knowledge of:

  • the Japanese language;
  • Government of Japan policies, including how the government addresses issues in Fellows’ professional fields;
  • Japanese decision making, including how their counterpart agencies in Japan are organized and make decisions; and
  • Japanese society and culture.

Alumni Fellows have direct responsibility for a wide variety of Japan issues, provide counsel to their agencies on Japan-related matters and help expedite the resolution of issues involving Japan.

Homestay and Language Training

Fellows begin the program in Japan with a seven-week course of intensive Japanese language study in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture.  This immersion program—which includes a homestay, cultural activities, and professional site visits—improves the Fellows’ Japanese speaking and listening skills and builds their confidence in using Japanese.  It also introduces the Fellows to Japanese culture outside Tokyo and helps them adjust to living in Japan. At the conclusion of the homestay, Fellows move to Tokyo to begin their placements.


Following the Ishikawa Prefecture language training, Fellows travel to Tokyo to begin ten months of placements, further language training, and supplemental education programs and study tours.  In their placements, Fellows work full-time with their Japanese colleagues on issues relevant to their professional expertise and provide their perspective while learning from their Japanese counterparts.  Given that ministries and agencies have overlapping jurisdiction over certain issues, some Fellows may work in more than one government office during the year in Japan.

Post-Fellowship Return to U.S. Agencies

Following the year in Japan, Fellows are required to return to U.S. federal government service for a minimum of two years. It is expected that agencies sending officials to the program will use Fellows’ expertise and network of contacts to benefit the agency in Japan-related work.  As alumni, Fellows participate in Foundation-sponsored professional development activities and programs and are expected to participate in educational outreach programs and assist the Foundation in the recruiting, training and orientation of new Fellows.

Selection and Eligibility Requirements


  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
  • Applicants must be federal government employees with at least two consecutive years of service by and immediately preceding the start of the pre-departure training (July 1, 2024) in order to apply for the 29th class of Mansfield Fellows.
  • After completing the program, Fellows are required to serve at least two years in the federal government, where it is anticipated they will continue to work on projects and issues concerning Japan and U.S.-Japan relations.
  • Prospective Fellows must have written approval to apply from their home agency.

Selection Criteria

Ideal Fellows will be accomplished federal professionals who are hard working, self-reliant and self-disciplined, flexible and sociable. They must be fully dedicated to the program and be able to cope with the challenges of working and living in a different culture.

Internship Experience Program (IEP) and Temporary Program (ITEP)

The U.S. Department of State’s Pathways Internship Program includes both the Internship Experience Program (IEP) and the Internship Temporary Program (ITEP). Both programs are targeted toward U.S. citizens enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions from high school to graduate school and professional academic levels. Both programs provide students with opportunities to explore Federal careers while being paid for the work performed.

Internship Experience Program (IEP)

Interns in this program are appointed to non-temporary, excepted service appointments, expected to last the length of the academic program for which the intern is enrolled. IEP participants, while in the program, are eligible for noncompetitive promotions if they meet the developed qualification standards for the position. IEP interns are also eligible for federal employee benefits (e.g. life, health, and retirement). IEP participants are eligible for noncompetitive conversions to the competitive service within 120 days of program completion.

Internship Temporary Program (ITEP)

The temporary nature of the ITEP allows for interns to work during seasonal and holiday breaks in academic programs as well as year-round. Interns in this program are appointed to temporary appointments, not to exceed one year or their projected graduation date (whichever is shorter) and extensions may be made in one year increments. The positions to which the interns are appointed have no promotion potential, therefore, students must apply through USAJOBS to be considered for higher-graded positions. ITEP participants who are expected to work 130 hours per month or more for at least 90 days will be eligible to enroll in a health benefits plan. ITEP participants are not eligible for any other benefits until after conversion into the competitive service. ITEP participants are eligible for noncompetitive conversions to the competitive service within 120 days of completion of the Pathways Program.


For more than four decades, the Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF) has been the Federal government’s premier leadership development program for advanced degree candidates. The Program focuses on developing a cadre of potential government leaders.

To become a PMF, you must participate in an arduous, multi-phase process. It takes patience and endurance, but also gives you a chance to demonstrate your leadership ability and potential. As a PMF, you will have earned your place in the Program, and the opportunity to grow professionally, serve your country, and make a difference!

The very first step in successfully becoming a PMF is paying attention to the details of the annual application and assessment process. Once the application period opens, it will appear on USAJOBS. The application is typically open for two weeks in October and closes at 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time) on the last day. Finalists are usually announced in late November.

If you will meet all advanced degree requirements (even though you have not necessarily graduated), including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, you are eligible to apply. Eligibility is based on completion of degree requirements by August 31st of the following year of the annual application.

– OR –

If you have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying college or university during the previous two years from the opening date of the PMF Program’s annual application announcement, you are eligible to apply.

Advanced Degree means a professional or graduate degree (e.g., master’s, Ph.D., J.D.).

NOTE: Individuals who previously applied for the program, but were not selected as a Finalist, may reapply if they meet eligibility requirements.

Opportunities for Federal employment for non-United States citizens through the PMF Program are extremely rare. By law, most Federal agencies are prohibited from paying anyone who is not a U.S. citizen for positions in the continental United States. There are certain exemptions to this restriction. A non-citizen may be eligible for employment if the individual is:

  1. Eligible to work under U.S. immigration laws. and
  2. Eligible for and pursuing U.S. citizenship or appointed by a Federal agency permitted by that agency’s appropriation act or agency-specific statutes to hire and pay non-citizens.

While the government uses at least six different pay scales, the majority of Civil Service employees are paid using the GS (General Schedule) pay scale. The General Service pay scale for Civil Service employees features 15 pay grades, GS-1 (lowest) – GS-15 (highest) with 10 steps within each grade. You can visit the GS pay scale here:

Smithsonian Institution Office for Fellowships and Internships

Hundreds of graduate students and holders of doctorates come to the Smithsonian to do independent research under the guidance of a member of our world-class research staff. Fellows have the opportunity to study and work intensively with Smithsonian collections and experts in their fields and beyond. In addition, more than 1,500 students pursue internships offered across the organization.

The Smithsonian offers a world of research opportunities for graduate, pre-doctoral, or post-doctoral students, as well as for visiting professionals, students, scientists, or scholars conducting independent research. The Office of Fellowships can guide you through the process.

Internships at the Smithsonian Institution are as varied as the museums and research centers themselves. From Art History to Zoology, exhibit building to investments, Smithsonian Internships provide workplace-based learning experiences for a wide range of educational and career paths.

American Councils for International Education – Title VIII in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII), the American Councils CRLT Program provides full support for U.S. graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars seeking to conduct in-country, independent research in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe, while increasing proficiency in languages of the region.

Applicants should indicate their proposed research location(s) in the application. Applicants to the Research Scholar Program may only apply for research in a total of two countries maximum [from this list]: Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Estonia; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kosovo; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; Montenegro; North Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Russia; Serbia; Tajikistan; Ukraine.

Academic Fellowships in Russia (AFR)

AFR is designed to expand the accessibility of Russia-based research while increasing U.S. knowledge and expertise on Russia. Fellowships last three to nine consecutive months and include round-trip international travel; housing and living stipends; visa support; overseas health, accident, and evacuation insurance; archive access; and logistical support. Following the completion of the research term, AFR fellows will return to the U.S. and share their findings through presentations, articles, and lectures in order to strengthen and broaden current scholarship in the social sciences related to Russia and U.S.-Russia relations.

Combined Research and Language Training (CRLT) Program

Designed to expand the accessibility of overseas research while increasing U.S. knowledge and expertise on the region, the CRLT Program supports fellows who, in addition to conducting overseas, policy-relevant research, seek to increase their language proficiency through targeted language instruction. Fellowships last three to nine consecutive months and include round-trip international travel; housing and living stipends; visa support; overseas health, accident, and evacuation insurance; archive access; weekly language instruction in the host country language; and logistical support. Following the completion of the research term, fellows will return to the U.S. and share their findings through presentations, articles, and lectures in order to strengthen and broaden current scholarship on the region.

Research Scholar Program

Designed to expand the accessibility of overseas research while increasing U.S. knowledge and expertise on the region, the Research Scholar Program supports fellows seeking to complete overseas, policy-relevant research. Fellowships last three to nine consecutive months and include round-trip international travel; housing and living stipends; visa support; overseas health, accident, and evacuation insurance; archive access; and logistical support. Following the completion of the research term, fellows will return to the U.S. and share their findings through presentations, articles, and lectures in order to strengthen and broaden current scholarship on the region.”

Middle East Institute Frontier Europe Initiative

The Black Sea Research Fellowship is made possible through a grant by the U.S. Department of State’s Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII).

The duration of the fellowship is four months. The specific start date of each fellowship will be determined in coordination with the fellowship director. Fellows receive training and mentorship, refine research, and participate in policy dialogue. Part of the fellowship will take place in hybrid/online mode. Fellows will spend at least one week of their fellowship in Washington, DC. Fellows will be given the opportunity to conduct field research (three to eight weeks in length) in one Black Sea country of their choice (Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, or Ukraine).

The Black Sea fellowship program aims to strengthen U.S. expertise and understanding of Black Sea countries while facilitating mutual connections between Americans and their regional counterparts. The fellowship will provide a unique opportunity for fellows to understand the nuances of the Black Sea region. It will ultimately produce alumni capable of developing rigorous expertise that can meaningfully contribute to U.S. foreign policy. Fellows will complete research projects, including field research, that provide new insights into their chosen topic and tangibly contribute to advancing American understanding of the region. At the end of the program, MEI will offer fellows the opportunity to become Frontier Europe Initiative contributors and/or non-resident fellows.


Candidates must be at the graduate- or post-doctoral level in international affairs, political science, economics, European/East European studies, or a related discipline, and must be U.S. citizens. The ideal candidate should have substantial research or study experience relating to the Black Sea region, as well as demonstrated interest in one or more of the research areas covered by the MEI Frontier Europe Initiative: political, economic, security, democratic, and/or governance challenges in the Black Sea with direct relevance to U.S. foreign policy.

Application Materials

  • Cover letter
  • 1,000 to a 2,000-word research proposal, including a timeline with milestones
  • Up-to-date Resume/CV
  • Official academic certificate(s) and transcripts
  • Two references that can speak to the candidate’s qualifications, including proficiency in the host country language (if applicable) and feasibility of their research

Types of Financial Aid: Loans, Grants, and Work-Study Programs
Financial aid is money to help pay for college or career school. Grants, work-study, loans, and scholarships help make college or career school affordable.

FYI: A fellowship will affect federal student loan or work-study. Typically, students with fellowships may not be permitted to borrow small amounts of federal loans due to cost of attendance regulation.  Check with the Office of Student Financial Aid on eligibility requirements.

If you have already received a refund for the current year in federal loans and you accept a fellowship, you may be responsible to return this refund to UIC.  Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for further information.

If applying for loans and/or work-study a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed.  See the Graduate Student Guide from the Office of Student Financial Aid for more information.

The Science "Nationals" Heading link

The vast majority of federal research dollars underwrite STEM disciplines. Below is a selection.


Effective Fall 2023, this very generous award funds students at a level of $37,000 annually for up to three years (over five). A variety of disciplines are eligible to apply, so please check out the website.

Students apply at-large–they do not submit via the Graduate College, nor the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. The Fellowships and Awards Coordinator enters the picture after the student receives the award to their studies at UIC; however, the coordinator could read essays.

Deadlines tend to be spread over October 15-21 (5 pm local time).

NIH F30/F31

Ruth Kirschstein F30/F31 Predoctoral Fellowships. Talk to your PI about which is right for you. Deadlines may be April 8, August 8, and December 8.

  1. PA-21-049. For Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30).
  2. PA-21-051. Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31).
  3. PAR-21-218. NIA Predoctoral Fellowship Award to Promote Diversity in Translational Research for AD/ADRD (F31).


The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks applications for funding doctoral dissertation research that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community.

The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to criminal and/or juvenile justice. Applicant academic institutions are eligible to apply only if:
1. The student is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the sciences or engineering.
2. The student’s proposed dissertation research has demonstrable relevance to preventing
and controlling crime, and/or ensuring the fair and impartial administration of criminal and/or juvenile justice, in the United States.
NIJ will give special consideration to proposals with methods that include meaningful engagement with the people with lived experience of the subject of study, including but not limited to, justice practitioners, community members, crime victims, service providers and individuals who have experienced justice system involvement. Where applicable, NIJ also seeks proposals that include consideration and measurement of the issues of diversity, discrimination, and bias across age, gender and gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation.

This program furthers the DOJ’s mission by increasing the pool of researchers who are engaged in providing science-based solutions to problems relevant to criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice in the United States. Fellowships provide up to three years of support. A student’s proposed dissertation research has demonstrable relevance to preventing and controlling crime and/or ensuring the fair and impartial administration of criminal and/or juvenile justice in the United States. Unrestricted citizenship? Award amount: $40,500 salary and fringe + Up to $12,000 Cost of Education Allowance + Up to $3,000 Research Expenses.

The Office of Sponsored Research has asked the Graduate College to coordinate the university’s submission. To that end, a letter of inquiry is due via email (to with “NIJ GRF LOI” in the subject field) by 11:59 pm CDT on April 12, 2023. The LOI is composed of a (a) cover letter with your name, UIN, UIC email address, dissertation or project title, and desired grant length (1 or 2 years) and a (b) separate proposal abstract (see below).

At a minimum, the Proposal Abstract should be written in 400 words or less, in plain language, avoid acronyms, and include:

  • Purpose of the proposed project
  • Project activities to be performed
  • Expected outcomes, deliverables, or milestones of the proposed project
  • Service area
  • Intended beneficiary(ies) of the proposed project
  • Subrecipient activities (if known, list entities and project activities)

Example Proposal Abstract Template: 

The [insert Entity name] proposes to implement the [insert project name]. The purpose is to _____________ in the [insert service area]. Project activities include_________________. Expected outcomes include:________________. _______________are the intended beneficiaries of the project. Subrecipient activities include _________________. 

Example Proposal Abstract:

The ABC County proposes to implement the ABC County Second Chance Community-Based Adult Reentry Program. The purpose is to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, trauma-informed and best practices community-based reentry program for individuals incarcerated in ABC County jail. Project activities include establishing a Reentry Advisory Board; implementing evidence-based risk and need screening and assessments tools; developing and implementing a Multi-Disciplinary Reentry Collaborative Case Management and Coordination Team and designating community-based, peer-run and faith-based organizations to provide post-release care coordination. Expected outcomes include the development of a multi-disciplinary team to address the reentry needs of individuals exiting the ABC County jail; provision of evidence-based services; reduction in recidivism in ABC County; and regular program assessments. Subrecipient activities include vocational skills training, job preparation, career exploration and planning, and skill-building services, including apprenticeships and occupational training.

The full proposal is due to Benn Williams by noon on April 18th.

SCGSR Fellowship Program


The SCGSR program creates a pathway for STEM doctoral students to advance their PhD thesis research while working at a Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory, collaborating with world-class scientists, and using state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge scientific instrumentation. While maximizing the impact of the student’s own research, SCGSR also expands one’s professional network and develop new opportunities for the future. The award period for the proposed research project may range from 3 to 12 consecutive months.


Awardees are eligible to receive a monthly stipend in the amount of up to $3,600 for general living expenses while at the host DOE laboratory/facility during the award period. The actual monthly stipend amount will be based on an assessment of the individual’s situation, with factors under consideration including, but not limited to: duration of proposed research, location of home residence, and concurrent federal funding (Under normal circumstances, awardees will receive the maximum monthly stipend). Stipends are provided directly to the awardees through direct-deposit to the awardee’s designated bank account.

Awardees are eligible to be reimbursed for their in-bound and out-bound travel expenses to the host DOE laboratory/facility. Awardees are eligible for travel reimbursement only if the host DOE national laboratory/facility is greater than 50 miles from their home graduate institution.


  • US citizenship or lawful permanent resident (LPR) status (the latter should contact the specific DOE National Laboratory for specific requirements)
  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Ph.D. candidacy (“ABD”) with a “defined” dissertation project and advisor
  • Applicants must be pursuing a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, material sciences, biology (non-medical)**, mathematics, engineering, computer or computational sciences, or select areas of environmental sciences. (Ineligible programs include: MBA, MD, MD/PhD, JD, JD/PhD. Graduate programs in the social sciences are NOT eligible.) **= Medical research, or biological research on model systems for the purpose of understanding disease or pathogens, is not eligible.

Applying? Next steps

  1. Learn all about SCGSR: Check out our resources to understand the eligibility, participant obligations, and benefits of SCGSR.
  2. Verify dates: As you prepare to apply, check out the key dates to determine the time frame that best matches your research needs.
  3. Review the SCGSR application processes and requirements: Your application will require collaboration with a DOE National Laboratory scientist and coordination with your PhD thesis advisor. If you need help identifying a collaborating scientist, check out this running list of scientists who are ready to collaborate with SCGSR awardees—or contact us if none of the scientists on this list are a good match for your research. Be sure to closely review the application requirements, video guides and FAQ resource to help compile your required components, including transcripts, proof of PhD candidacy, letters of support, and the priority research areas and merit review criteria.
  4. Attend an SCGSR Application Assistance Workshop: Sign up for our next “how to apply” workshop to answer your questions and help empower you during the application process.
  5. Apply: You’re ready to apply! You should have all the details you need and the resources required to create a competitive and compelling SCGSR application.

Select National and International Competitions Heading link

UIC is a preferred institution for certain competitions or has multiple applicants for these prestigious opportunities.

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service)

The DAAD offers numerous opportunities to study and to do research in Germany.

Opportunities for graduate students:

  • **Study Scholarships – This program is available to highly-qualified final year undergraduate students and those who have received an undergraduate degree, regardless of discipline, and who seek a full master’s degree at a German university or for study at a German university as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree program to be completed in the home country. UIC is permitted two priority nominations. Campus deadline: October 18th except for:
    • Study scholarships/post graduate studies in architecture: apply directly to DAAD Bonn by September 25, 2024.
    • Study scholarships/post graduate studies in music: apply directly to DAAD Bonn by September 25, 2024.
    • Study scholarships/post graduate studies in performing arts: apply directly to DAAD Bonn by October 14, 2024.
    • Study scholarships/post graduate studies in fine art, design/visual communication & film: apply directly to DAAD Bonn by November 11, 2024.
  • German Studies Research Grant – This specialized program offers  highly-qualified undergraduate and graduate students, who are nominated by professor supervising the research project. The grant may be used for short-term (one to two months) research in Germany. The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective. Deadlines are May 1, July 15, and November 1st. Decisions are announced approximately eight weeks after each deadline.
  • University Summer Course Grant – This program provides scholarships to attend a broad range of three- to four-week summer courses at German universities which focus mainly on German language and literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany. Extensive extracurricular programs complement and reinforce the core material. [On hiatus but other options exist. See link below.]
  • RISE (Research Internship in Science and Engineering) –  Open to students in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering or a closely related field, the program offers research internships in Germany to master’s and PhD students from North America at companies and non-university research institutions with strong relations to industry. RISE Germany is a summer internship at a German university of research institute; RISE Professional is with a German industrial company or research institute.
  • Short-Term Research Grants – Designed for highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs), these grants fund 1-6 months of research. The application portal for PhD and postdoc students is open June 30th – November 4th.
  • **Research Grants – One-Year Grants – Designed for highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree, these grants fund 7-12 months of research. Application portal opens June 30th. Deadline: October 18, 2023.

**UIC graduate students may apply independently for all of the grants above EXCEPT the study scholarship and one-year research grant in non-arts fields. As a designated priority institution, UIC runs an internal competition each fall. The applicant marshals materials for evaluation and then the Graduate College coordinates a small evaluation committee to determine which nominations will be put forward to DAAD for consideration. Contact the Fellowships & Awards Coordinator for more information.

Long-term research grants (7-10 months) have the following deadline by field:

  • Academic fields (other than architecture, fine arts, design, film, music, performing arts, and visual communication): October 18, 2023 (UIC campus deadline); final deadline of November 4, 2022.  Contact Benn Williams for more information ( on the campus deadline.

Requirements for the campus deadline follow the links.

DAAD Requirements at Campus Deadline

Study Scholarship One-Year Research Grant
PDF version of your online application form (from the DAAD portal) PDF version of your online application form (from the DAAD portal)
CV as Word document (max. 3 pages) CV as Word document (max. 3 pages)
Study proposal (max. 3 pages): should include a narrative about academic and personal reasons for the planned study explaining why a particular program has been chosen and how it will further your educational and career goals. (Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants / Section B, Point 1.) List of publications as Word document (max. 5 pages)
Letter of admission to a study program in Germany: If this is not available at the time of the application deadline, this can be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study program begins. Extensive and detailed description of the research proposal which has been discussed with the academic adviser and a description of previous research work as Word document (max. 5 pages)
"Information about your preferred master program" (download) Additional info for master’s degree applicants: • Applicants who will be starting their master’s program in Germany: when completing the form, DAAD recommends listing up to 5 potential degree programs to avoid a situation in which you are granted a scholarship but end up not getting accepted into a master’s program. However, when writing your proposal, you should focus on your first choice, and briefly mention additional programs at the end of your proposal. OR • For a study period in Germany as part of an American or Canadian postgraduate or master’s degree: submit proof that the academic credits earned in Germany will be recognized by your home institution (e.g. letter from your department). Schedule of planned research work as Word document (consider weekly and thematic/geographic subdivisions)
[Blank] Letter confirming supervision by an academic adviser in Germany, which refers to the applicant's proposal and confirms that the host institute will provide a workplace as PDF
University degree certificate(s), if applicable (e.g. Bachelor or Master): If your studies have not been completed at the time of the application deadline, the certificate must be submitted before the scholarship-supported study program. (PDF) University degree certificates, scans of university-level diplomas as or PDF or JPG
Scanned official transcripts from all (undergraduate and graduate) university studies and include the explanation of the grading system (explanation is usually on the back of the transcript) as PDF Scanned official transcripts from all (undergraduate and graduate) university studies and include the explanation of the grading system (explanation is usually on the back of the transcript) as PDF
DAAD Sprachnachweis / language evaluation form ( If you have any knowledge of German, submit this document signed by a faculty member (professors or teaching assistant) of the Department of Germanic Studies. If you have no knowledge of German and your research language in Germany will be English, be sure to submit this certificate anyway, indicating that your research language is English, and write at the top "No knowledge of German." (Please note that German is not a requirement for the Research Grant) DAAD Sprachnachweis / language evaluation form ( If you have any knowledge of German, submit this document signed by a faculty member (professors or teaching assistant) of the Department of Germanic Studies. If you have no knowledge of German and your research language in Germany will be English, be sure to submit this certificate anyway, indicating that your research language is English, and write at the top "No knowledge of German." (Please note that German is not a requirement for the Research Grant)
Please arrange for a PDF of the signed reference form from a university professor in your major subject or discipline to be emailed to Benn Williams. ( Please arrange for a PDF of the signed reference form from a university professor in your major subject or discipline to be emailed to Benn Williams. (

Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship

The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund was created for the purpose of funding advanced education and graduate study grants, which must be carried out entirely in the United States of America. The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowships are to be awarded only to candidates who have outstanding undergraduate records, demonstrate a need for financial assistance, are citizens of the United States of America, are enrolled in accredited colleges and universities in the United States, and who have received baccalaureate degrees. Eligible programs: “any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training).”

The amount of each Fellowship will cover the cost of tuition (not fees) and a stipend to be allocated towards room, board, living expenses and income taxes. The Trustee has set the stipend at $18,000 for the award year.

The UIC campus deadline is January 2, 2025. 

Required application materials:

  • Application
  • CV or résumé
  • One certified copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts to date
  • One copy of your graduate exam test scores (if applicable)
  • A Statement of Purpose up to three pages long (double spaced) which considers the relationship between your graduate level study and your intended personal and/or professional goals. Your Statement of Purpose must include a 10-15 line abstract at the top (included in the three pages) that explains, in LAYMAN’S terms, the essence of your proposed topic of study or dissertation, the methodology of its treatment and its anticipated impact on your field of study
  • Letter of Recommendation from Dean of Graduate School or Department Chair. [Latter preferred;  arrange to have it sent electronically to Benn Williams – If you seek a letter from the Dean, it will be provided it if you are selected as the UIC nominee]
  • Letters of Recommendation from at least two professors who have taught or worked closely with you. [Arrange to have sent electronically to Benn Williams]
  • One copy of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • One copy of your Financial Aid Summary from UIC.
  • One copy of your Federal Income Tax Return for each of the prior two years available (including spouse’s returns, if applicable) [thus returns filed in 2023 and 2024 for the January 2025 deadline].

Applicants can send electronic files using the naming convention below to FERPA-approved Box:

Naming convention of files (using example of Rosa Parks): DZL_Year_NomineeLastNameFirstInitial-Component.pdf, e.g., DZL_2025_ParksR-Application.pdf; DZL_2025_ParksR-GRE.pdf, etc.

Confidential materials should be sent to:

Benn Williams ( Do not send anything to the Graduate College via campus mail or postal services.

Institutional contact and DZL alum:  Benn Williams, Fellowships and Awards Coordinator.

Per the funder’s instructions: Do not contact JPMorgan or members of the selection committee. Effective spring 2022, the campus advisor is sent decision notifications.

The "Mellons" Heading link

As the largest supporter of the arts and humanities in the US, the Mellon Foundation seeks to build just communities where ideas and imagination can thrive. It does this, in part, by underwriting dissertation fellowships administered by various nonprofit organizations. Mellon has, however, discontinued a number of its fellowship programs for doctoral students. Consigned to the annals of history: the Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowship; the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program was briefly (for three years) replaced by the Emerging Voices program, which is also defunct; the Mellon/SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowships; the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship; and now the Mellon/Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

The Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship program is designed to support emerging scholars as they pursue bold and innovative research in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. The program is made possible by a grant from the Mellon Foundation.

Summary: The program will make awards to doctoral students who show promise of leading their fields in important new directions. The fellowships are designed to intervene at the formative stage of dissertation development, before writing is advanced, and provide time and support for emerging scholars’ innovative approaches to dissertation research – practical, trans- or interdisciplinary, collaborative, critical, or methodological. The program seeks to expand the range of research methodologies, formats, and areas of inquiry traditionally considered suitable for the dissertation, with a particular focus on supporting scholars who can build a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable academy.

Fellowship Details:

  • Award: $40,000 stipend for the fellowship year, plus up to $8,000 for project-related research, training, development, and travel costs. The award also includes a $2,000 stipend for external mentorship. ~45 to be awarded.
  • Duration: one year beginning summer 2023.
  • Deadline: 8 pm Central Time, November 2, 2022.


The basic eligibility criteria for applicants are outlined in the bullets below. As opposed to fellowship programs that support dissertations where writing and research is well underway, advanced, or nearing completion, this program intends to intervene at the formative stages of project development. Given the variation in graduate student trajectories, and the variation of curricular requirements across departments and schools, this program gives only broad parameters for the eligible period of tenure of the fellowship. Some applicants may be applying in the year immediately before candidacy to support the first year of work as a PhD candidate; others may seek to expand their field/methodological horizons at an earlier stage of their graduate studies. As described in the criteria below, the program requires applicants to have completed all required coursework in their doctoral curriculum by the time the fellowship commences. Individuals must be enrolled full-time and may not accept teaching or research assistantships, other major fellowships, internships, or similar internal or external awards during fellowship tenure.

Applicants must:

  • Be a PhD student in a humanities or social science department in the United States.
  • Be able to take up a full year (9-12 months) of sustained specialized research and training, released from normal coursework, assistantships, and teaching responsibilities.
  • Have completed at least two years and all required coursework in the PhD programs in which they are currently enrolled by the start of the fellowship term.
  • As of September 2023 require at least two years remaining with their programs to complete the PhD degree.
  • have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.

Professional or applied PhDs, terminal degrees that are not a PhD (such as an EdD or MFA), or PhDs outside of humanities and social science departments–business, clinical or counseling psychology, creative or performing arts, education, engineering, filmmaking, law, library and information sciences, life/physical sciences, public administration, public health or medicine, public policy, social work, or social welfare–are not eligible. If you are unsure whether your department or interdisciplinary program qualifies you for this fellowship program, please email with a brief summary of your affiliation.

Note that transcripts are not required.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • The potential of the project to advance the field(s) of study in which it is proposed and make an original and significant contribution to knowledge.
  • The potential of the project to challenge scholarly convention and/or expand the prevailing norms of what constitutes important scholarship through its subject matter, meaningful engagement with an interdisciplinary and/or community partner, innovative format, novel methodology, or theoretical framework. Applicants should have a strong grasp of the existing norms and trends in their primary discipline of study, and who have taken advantage of the opportunities available in their department and campus to advance their training and scholarly projects.
  • The feasibility of the proposed project and the likelihood that the applicant will execute the work within the proposed time frame (during and after the fellowship term).
  • Fulfillment of one or more of the following factors:
    • Applicant’s membership in one or more groups that have been historically underrepresented in the professoriate, including but not limited to Black/African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
    • The project’s thoughtful engagement with communities that are historically underrepresented in higher education and the potential for this experience to shape research.
    • Scholarship and scholarly practice that is responsive to the interests and histories of people of color and other historically marginalized communities.

Application Components:

  • Completed application form
  • Proposal (no more than seven pages, double spaced, in Times New Roman 11-point font, including any footnotes or endnotes).
    • The applicant should describe the aims of their research and clearly explain how they will advance those aims during the fellowship period.
    • The proposal should also include a description of the training, workshops, travel, or anything else the applicant feels will be necessary to advance the project during the fellowship term.
    • If the applicant has already identified an external mentor, please note the mentor in the proposal and describe how that individual was selected. If the mentor is yet to be determined, please provide a brief description of what qualities and capacities you will seek within a mentor. What kinds of perspectives would this mentor bring to your project?
    • The most effective proposal will clearly describe the applicant’s innovative approach to their dissertation project and make a compelling argument for why the timing of the fellowship would be ideal for their proposed research and training and within the context of the full timeline of their doctoral studies. Applicants should also detail how they will measure their own success in the fellowship year.
  • Optional: Up to two additional pages of images, musical scores, or other similar supporting non-text materials, without annotation
  • A one-page timeline of fellowship year activity with provisional sketch of post-fellowship trajectory, outlining the time leading up to the completion of the dissertation.
  • Bibliography (without annotation, single-spaced, no more than two pages)
  • Short personal statement (no more than two pages, double spaced, in Times New Roman 11-point font) describing your journey as a scholar and how your work comes together at the nexus of personal experience, research interests, and desire to shift the forms and formats of academic research.
  • A brief work sample (no more than fifteen pages total, double spaced, including any images and footnotes or endnotes, in Times New Roman 11-point font), including a brief description of context and the sample’s relation to the proposed project.
  • One letter of recommendation. The letter must come from the applicant’s dissertation advisor, or a faculty member eligible to be the advisor.
  • A statement from the applicant’s institution (preferably from the applicant’s department chair, director of graduate studies, or dean). The provided form will ask the institutional representative to attest that (1) if the applicant holds a multi-year financial award from the institution and a fellowship is awarded, this support would be paused for the duration of the fellowship and the applicant would be allowed to retain and resume the remainder of that support in subsequent years; (2) the institution will allow the fellow to remain enrolled during the fellowship year and will waive tuition and fees; and (3) the intention of the fellowship is to promote non-traditional direction setting for the sake of valuing innovations in scholarly methods and subject, and the institution believes that its graduate curriculum and progress-charting for students can respect and accommodate this exploration of non-traditional approaches to scholarship.
  • An ORCID iD. Learn more.

Host at UIC, the IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellows Program is a dissertation completion fellowship that seeks to foster, mentor, and professionalize a national cohort of Humanities doctoral students focusing on Latino Studies in order to maximize effective progress to complete the PhD, increase job-market readiness, build community, and impart a sustainable, healthy writing practice.

The Inter-University Program for Latino Research is a national consortium of university-based centers dedicated to the advancement of the Latino intellectual presence in the United States. For more than 35 years, IUPLR has promoted core research on issues of importance to Latino communities and the broader US society. The consortium has become a respected national catalyst and facilitator of in-depth policy-relevant research and works to expand the pool of Latino scholars and leaders. The IUPLR headquarters are currently at the University of Houston Center for Mexican American Studies.

There is a growing Latino population in the United States, but as of yet only a small number of Latina/o studies scholars in the humanities, particularly members of underrepresented communities, that can contribute to understanding and reimagining this changing, charged and complex cultural terrain. In addition, students concentrating on Latino studies subjects often do not find mentors within the disciplines who know their subject matter, leaving them personally and intellectually isolated in their disciplines. Recent research shows that 1) financial support and relief from teaching duties improves dissertation completion outcomes and 2) students do best when they feel that they are part of an intellectual community. Through the Mellon Fellows Program, we hope to strengthen the field of Latina/o Studies by building a network of successful early career academics, researchers, and professionals.

The fellowship is a complete program that goes beyond financial support. It includes a year-round dissertation writing support, professional development, mentorship, and job market support. Fellows  participate in a summer or fall institute in Chicago, various online webinars and meetings throughout the year, structured writing and professionalization programs, monthly cohort check-ins, and a mentorship program.

Our primary program goals are the following:

1.) Increase time to degree for graduate students and improving the quality of Latino Studies dissertations in the humanities

2.) Cultivate sustainable writing practices that prioritize living full, healthy lives as academics

3.) Prepare fellows to be more competitive job candidates and to make the transition from graduate school to academia

4.) Leave in place good practices for the universities and centers involved

5.) Strengthen the field of Latino/a Studies by building a community of successful early career academics

Foundation- and NFP-Funded Fellowships (select) Heading link

There are a number of young and mature foundations and non-for-profit (NFP) organizations that offer fellowships for graduate students. Below is a curated selection.

Keywords: Russia, professional development

The Alfa Fellowship Program was founded in 2004 with the aim of fostering a community of emerging leaders who have first-hand experience in the business, public policy, and cultural environments of Russia and the region. Since then, over 200 Americans, Britons, and Germans have been able to experience the workplace, while living and traveling in Russia through this unique professional and cultural immersion opportunity.

The goals of the Alfa Fellowship Program are to expand networks of American, British, and German professionals with experience in Russia, to develop greater intercultural understanding, and to advance knowledge of Russia in the West.

The program is funded by Alfa-Bank, and administered in the U.S., U.K., and Germany by Cultural Vistas and in Moscow by the Fund for International Fellowships and Cultural Dialogue.

Keywords: Scandinavia, research, creative arts, all fields, Nordic region

The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers year-long fellowships of up to $23,000 and short term (1-3 months) grants of up to $5,000 to graduate students (preferably conducting dissertation research) and academic professionals interested in pursuing research or creative-arts projects in the Nordic region. Awards are made in all fields.

Keywords: innovation, India, interdisciplinary experiential learning

The American India Foundation (AIF) is dedicated to catalyzing social and economic change in India and building a lasting bridge between the United States and India. AIF is committed to improving the lives of India’s underprivileged, with a special focus on women, children, and youth. AIF does this through high impact interventions in education, health, and livelihoods, because poverty is multidimensional. AIF’s unique value proposition is its broad engagement between communities, civil society, and expertise thereby building a lasting bridge between the United States and India.

The American India Foundation’s (AIF’s) Banyan Impact Fellowship is an interdisciplinary experiential learning program that places young professionals from India and the U.S. in service with development organizations in India. Through collaboration and capacity-building, Fellows and local communities exchange knowledge and skills to steer projects that advance social and economic development. Fellows learn about grassroots development and inclusive leadership. Since 2001, AIF has selected, trained, and supported 490 Fellows and 214 partner organizations to scale impact, catalyze change, and build the next generation of socially-minded change makers. AIF provides Fellows with a living stipend, health insurance, professional development, mentorship, and programmatic benefits to enable their service. Selection of Fellows includes a written application and an interview, followed by matching with potential partner organizations for projects.

Keywords: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Khmer, Thai, Vietnamese

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year (two semesters or three quarters) of advanced level language study in East or Southeast Asia. Eligible languages are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Khmer, Thai, and Vietnamese. Fellowships cover tuition, and a stipend for related educational expenses, basic living costs and transportation. The Blakemore Foundation makes grants for study only at specific language programs.

he Blakemore Foundation is looking for individuals who will make significant contributions to their field. The ideal candidate is someone with stellar grades, outstanding recommendations, and a demonstrated commitment to the Asian country and language.

Superior candidates committed to careers in fields such as academia, STEM, international business, accounting, law, medicine, journalism, architecture, teaching, social or NGO work, and government service that will require professional fluency in that modern Asian language throughout that individual’s life are encouraged to apply.

Keywords: Indonesia, internship, human rights, journal editor, migration

The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) is a research centre established in 2016 with the ultimate aim to develop multidisciplinary studies at the University of Jember. The establishment of CHRM2 is part of the University of Jember’s strategic Centres within Southeast Asia to promote research and collaboration in the specialized areas of human rights with cognate disciplines.

Our vision is to boost the strength of the University of Jember to become a leading, global university centred in Southeast Asia. Through rigorous research and collaboration, our center attempts to transform the way we think of acquiring knowledge in this rapidly globalizing world; a knowledge that meets the ideals of justice and the standards of human rights. In order to succeed in this vision and our missions, we conduct an annual international conference by inviting world-renowned professors, practitioners, and policymakers. In addition, we also publish scholarly articles in the Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights (JSEAHR).

Potential Positions

– Language or Content Editor for JSEAHR
– English teacher at the University of Jember
– Graphic Designer
– Public Relations
– Outreach Coordinator
– Field Researcher
– Research Assistant

Time Commitment

-Minimum three (3) months
With options to extend position for one (1) year


-Rewarding work experience
-Free accommodation
-Aid in arranging visa
-Monthly living stipend
-City bicycle for local transportation
-Cultural experiences (weekend trips around East Java, Indonesia)

Not included: International Flights; Visa costs


-Master’s degree (or work equivalent)
-Academic or work history demonstrating interest in human rights, multiculturalism, and/or migration
-Must be a native English speaker
-Indonesian language is not required but is a plus (opportunities for language classes at the University of Jember)


(Rolling Application)

-CV or Resume
-Short Personal Statement (written in English)
-Maximum 500 words
-Should reflect your desire to work at CHRM2 and your position interest
-Additional materials may be submitted but not required

Please submit your completed application or any questions to the CHRM2 email (

— Application subject line: Get Involved_ Name
— Questions subject line: Position Inquiry _ Name

Contact Us:

Keywords: predoctoral, dissertation, postdoc, research, commitment to diversity

Administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs seeks increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded in a national competition on behalf of the Ford Foundation.

Eligibility to apply for a Ford fellowship is limited to:

  • All U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. permanent residents (holders of a Permanent Resident Card), as well as individuals granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program1, Indigenous individuals exercising rights associated with the Jay Treaty of 1794, political asylees, and refugees, regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation. [It is a myth that one must be under-represented in order to apply. Untrue.]
  • Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations).
  • Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S.

Eligibility includes individuals with current status under the DACA Program, as well as individuals whose status may have lapsed but who continue to meet all the USCIS guidelines for DACA available below.

Receipt of the fellowship award is conditioned upon awardees providing satisfactory documentation that they meet all the eligibility requirements.

Awards will be made for study in research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. programs; practice oriented degree programs are not eligible for support (see eligible fields). Prospective applicants should carefully carefully the eligibility requirements, the terms of the fellowship awards, application instructions and other information pertaining to the individual fellowship for which they are applying.

Myth:  I must be a racial or ethnic minority to apply.

Reality: False. You must, however, have evidence of (a) a capacity to respond to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds; (b) a sustained personal engagement with groups underrepresented in academe; and (c) a likelihood of using diversity as a resource in teaching and scholarship.

In addition to the fellowship award, new Ford Fellows are invited to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows, a unique national conference of a select group of high-achieving scholars committed to diversifying the professoriate and using diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

2021-22 Competition Dates:

  • The 2021 competition is open:
  • 2021 Dissertation and Postdoctoral application deadlines:
    December 9, 2021 – 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • 2021 Predoctoral application deadline:
    December 16, 2021 – 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Supplementary Materials deadline for submitted applications: 
    January 6, 2022 – 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Notification of awards: Mid- to late March 2022

The Graduate College is hosting a virtual info session at noon (CT) on October 26th. RSVP here: 

UIC has over a dozen Ford Foundation Fellowship winners on its faculty.

(Updated 10/21/21. )

Keywords: age restrictions, service, collaboration, internship, volunteer

The InterExchange Foundation Christianson Fellowship awards up to $10,000 to young Americans who are passionate about helping communities abroad thrive and are eager to learn about the local culture. Fellows identify a project or an organization working on an issue they care about, and with the support of the Christianson Fellowship, contribute their skills and passion to that endeavor for at least six months on-location abroad. This intercultural experience is a meaningful way to help others, improve skills, and gain insight about another culture.

keywords: India, Applied Data, Social Impact, Project Management; international

Run by the University of Chicago, the International Innovation Corps bridges the gap between innovation and impact with three features: innovation underpinned by diversity, large-scale impact, and sustainable solutions. Programs: India Program; Young Leaders in Tech Policy; and US Program. Virtual informational session(s) in August.

Keywords: Asia, leadership, social impact, curiosity, humility, storytelling

Established in 1974, the Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early-career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia. We aim to forge stronger relationships across geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans to deepen their ties and understanding of the countries, cultures, and people of Asia. (Placement is in one of 19 countries; applicants should demonstrate flexibility and openness because placement in your preferred organization/country may not be possible.)

Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, the Luce Scholars Program provides stipends, language training, and individualized professional placement in Asia for 18 Luce Scholars each year. We welcome applications from college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals in a variety of fields, with a range of backgrounds and experiences, who have had limited exposure to Asia. Must be less than 32-years-old at the application deadline and applicants cannot have spent more than 18 weeks in the proposed country since beginning college (undergraduate). No disciplinary nor GPA restrictions. Eligibility questions may be sent to:

The Luce Scholar year is a 13-month commitment beginning with the orientation in June through the wrap-up meeting in July of the following year.

After a series of virtual sessions that begin in April and a five-day in-person orientation program in Asia in late June (all designed to build community and prepare for a year of living and working in Asia), Luce Scholars spend July and August engaging in intensive language training in their respective placement countries. Language study is a program requirement and is fully funded by the Luce Foundation through the intensive two-month period with additional funds available to each Luce Scholars for continued language training throughout their Luce year. Individually tailored professional placements—a hallmark of the Luce Scholars program—begin in early September and are arranged for each Scholar based on their professional interest, background, and qualifications.

Stipend is $32,000 (base – higher for placement in countries with a higher cost of living) + $1,000 moving funds + visa expenses + professional development funds + language study + health coverage.

Application components: form, application, personal statement, 2 LORs, transcript(s), 1-2-minute video. Prospective applicants are recommended to reach out to Benn Williams and/or Lindsay Marshall to read drafts of the personal statement.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Luce Scholars competition opened on April 25, 2023. The application deadline is October 16th at 5:00 pm ET. 

Keywords: Israel, social justice, Arabic, Hebrew, immersive

The NIF/Shatil Social Justice Fellowship is a 10-month immersive experience in Israel, where fellows work on cutting-edge social justice issues alongside veteran activists. Fellows spend four days per week working on the front lines of social change in Israel at a premiere Israeli social change organization. In addition to monthly seminars, fellows will learn about coalition and movement building from experts from Shatil, NIF’s capacity building center and action arm in Israel. The program includes periodic site visits designed to develop fellows’ understanding of a diverse set of issues at the center of Israeli social justice activism and of fellows’ own role as activists and allies both in Israel and at home.

Upon acceptance to the program, fellows will identify the issue they would like to spend the year working on. The fellowship program coordinator in Israel will work with each fellow to find an appropriate placement. Living expenses are covered by a $21,500 stipend.

Keywords: biodiversity, ecology, forestry, governance, Latin America, policy,

Kleinhans Fellowship for Community Forestry Research

As governments around the world recognize the importance of local stakeholders in forest management and conservation, they are increasingly devolving decision-making authority over natural resources to local communities.

However, while the number of community forest enterprises (CFEs) is increasing, many CFEs are struggling to manage their forest resources sustainably while also making a profit and ensuring the equitable use of their financial returns. This struggle is exacerbated by intense pressure to convert their forests.

CFEs face a host of challenges including weak organizational capacity, lack of access to finance, limited business-administration skills, difficulty competing with illegal forest products and the absence of markets for certain lesser-known species.

The Rainforest Alliance has a long history of working with forest communities that have established their own locally managed enterprises, providing them with training and technical assistance on sustainable forestry practices, value-added processing, business administration, market access and more. Recognizing that sound scientific inquiry can help to guide technical assistance for local development, our Kleinhans Fellowship supports research that seeks solutions to the challenges faced by the community forestry model.

Position Summary

The fellowship provides funds for research that is oriented toward solving real-world problems as defined by CFEs. See a list of previous Kleinhans Fellows »


The Kleinhans Fellowship provides a two-year stipend of US$20,000 per year to support research that addresses one of the following topics:

  1. Markets for lesser-known species and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). 
  2. Biodiversity management practices.
  3. Social organization and governance.
  4. Multi-community enterprises.


Researchers of any nationality or residence are eligible for the Kleinhans Fellowship; however, the research itself must be conducted in Latin America.


To ensure that field projects benefit from the fellowship’s research, the Kleinhans Fellow will participate in a workshop with community members and regional Rainforest Alliance staff at the end of the fellowship period; this gathering will provide an opportunity to share results and explore the implications of the findings on our work with specific communities. The fellow will also be expected to submit a final report that summarizes results and lessons for a general audience and publish his/her findings in a peer-reviewed journal.


Applicants must have a master’s degree in forestry, ecology, botany, environmental science or an appropriate related field. Doctoral candidates or post-doctoral researchers are preferred, although applicants may substitute relevant experience for higher-level degrees.

The next deadline for applications is February 28, 2025, and applications will be accepted started August 31, 2024

Other Federal Opportunities (Select) Heading link

Keywords: , policymaking, professional development, public service, science, engineering, social sciences

The AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships program (STPF) is a paid, professional development and public service opportunity for outstanding doctoral-level scientists, social scientists and engineers. Fellows serve yearlong assignments in the federal government where they learn first-hand about policymaking, bring valuable STEM expertise to address societal challenges, and enhance their careers. Each class of fellows represents a broad range of backgrounds, disciplines, and career stages. AAAS sponsors approximately 150 fellowship placements in the executive branch, two legislative placements and one judicial placement.

Keywords: engineering, fellowships, internships

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is now administering NREIP, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). NREIP is a ten week summer research opportunity for undergraduate Juniors & Seniors, and Graduate students. U.S. citizenship required; Permanent residents accepted at certain labs.

The NDSEG is sponsored by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program This program is intended for U.S. citizens at or near the beginning of their graduate studies in science and/or engineering programs. The fellowships are for three year tenures. The stipends begin at $30,500 for first year fellows, $31,000 for second year fellows, and $31,500 for third year fellows. Full tuition and fees and a health insurance allowance are included as part of the program. The application cycle is from September to January.

Keywords: tech, two-years, foreign service, information management

If you want to use your tech skills to make a difference, see the world, and experience different cultures, the Foreign Affairs IT (FAIT) Fellowship is an opportunity of a lifetime. Funded by the U.S. Department of State, this two-year Fellowship program is a path to a career in the Foreign Service by providing academic funding for an IT-related degree, internships, professional development and mentorship – culminating in an appointment in the Foreign Service as an Information Management Specialist (IMS).

More resources available: Fellowship Toolbox