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Fulbright US Student Programs

Lindsay Marshall has been named the Graduate College's second Fulbright Program Advisor!

UIC named 2021, 2022, 2023 HSI leader by Fulbright Program Heading link


The University of Illinois Chicago is among a select group of Hispanic-Serving Institutions recognized as a Fulbright HSI Leader by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for its commitment to the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program.

In 2021, the program’s inaugural year, UIC and 34 other institutions were honored for their noteworthy engagement with Fulbright exchange participants during the 2019-2021 academic years and promotion of Fulbright Program opportunities on campus. UIC remains the only such HSI Leader in the Midwest.

Fulbright Success Heading link

  • 88 % Of UIC's Grad College-mentored applicants are semi-finalists (or better!) finalists in the 2023-24 competition!

  • > 100 Since 2000, UIC has had over 100 finalists!

  • > 154 Number of UIC finalists since 1949 and the Navy Pier campus!

  • 24 In the last four cycles, 24 UIC graduate & professional students and alumni have have been named a finalist or alternate

  • 2 x UIC named 2021 & 2022 HSI Leader by State Department

Fulbright US Student Program (overview) Heading link

Fulbright fellowships, through the U.S. State Department, provide over 2,000 for year-long teaching, research, and study opportunities abroad for U.S. citizen students in various disciplines. Approximately 130 countries are viable sites for placement. Language proficiency depends on the country.

There are two main groupings:  English Language Teaching Assistantships (ETAs) and Study/Research Awards. These S/Rs can be further divided into two: “study” awards require an applicant to apply for both a graduate program and for a Fulbright grant; a “research” award is to conduct one’s own research. These research awards generally come in four types: (a) “open” wherein the applicant chooses their own affiliation(s), (b) “special” or named awards at a specific university or research center, (c) the Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship in Public Health, which is disciplinarily and geographically focused, and (d) the National Geographic Storytelling Award.

The 2025-26 competition opened April 2, 2024 and the national deadline is October 8, 2024. UIC students and alumni who are not enrolled elsewhere should apply through UIC and not as at-large applicants. Students applying through UIC enjoy an advising process meant to ameliorate the student’s application. The internal UIC campus deadline is September 5, 2024. Graduate students and alumni from UIC’s graduate programs should contact Benn Williams ( and Lindsay Marshall (, their dedicated university Fulbright Program Advisors, to start the process NOW.

Are UIC students successful? Yes. According to the data available in a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article (for the 2022-23 competition), the five “top producers” of Fulbright US students (doctoral institutions) averaged 111.6 applications and 34.6 awards. Their “success rate” was 31%. While our applications numbers are significantly smaller, we fare better! For the recent, 2024-2025 competition, we  had 9 applications from our graduate/professional students and grad alumni. A whopping SEVEN (77.8%) of them achieved semi-finalist, alternate, or finalist status! (“Finalist” equals “offered the Fulbright.”) With four finalists, our “success rate” was 44.4%. This is especially exciting as there are over 10,000 applications each year. In short, UIC compares favorably to our peers (Source).

Last updated 6/14/24/bw

PowerPoint Presentations (as downloadable PDFs) Heading link

Updated versions of the presentations shown during Fulbright Month in April.

Updates for the 2025-2026 Competition Heading link

Near the opening of the annual competition, Fulbright releases general and regional updates (updated 5/14/24).

  • Last year’s competition saw a dip in the number of applications from the record number for the 2021-22 competition (11,728)
  • The Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships in Public Health WILL be available for the 2025-26 competition with new countries.
  • There will be 2150+ awards this competition: 900+ Study/Research grants to ~140 countries and 1,250+ ETAs to ~75 countries. (This represents a decrease in the number of S/R and an increase in the number of ETAs from the previous competition.)
  • Still NO Fulbright program in the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong and Macau, for the 2025-26 program cycle. The Malaysia ETA remains suspended.
  • “Undersubscribed” means that the award is less competitive than other competitions and more applications are desired.
  • Malaysia, China, and India ETAs are suspended
  • More Study/Research applications are needed in the arts — Fulbright could offer more awards if there were more qualified candidates!
  • ETA applicants: demonstrate a SINCERE interest in teaching and in the host country — gap-year projects not wanted
  • Ten new graduate degree programs in Taiwan
  • Many programs want rural Americans to go to rural regions
  • Under-subscribed Programs
    • Study/Research: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand (fifth year in a row) ; graduate degrees in S. Korea and Taiwan (two new programs)
    • ETA: Indonesia, Mongolia (fourth year in a row), Timor-Leste (third year), Papua New Guinea (new!)
  • Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine programs remain suspended
  • Continued interest in media literacy and combatting disinformation in the region
  • Under-subscribed ETA Programs: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Moldova
  • Under-subscribed S/R Programs: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovak Republic
  • University (study) applications and requirements vary; students should read award descriptions closely
  • New awards: NAF-Fulbright/Heersink Family Foundation Fellowship in Global Health; NAF-Fulbright G. Polder and Ch. Strapper Fellowship in Dutch and Netherlandish Art; Fulbright/Northumbria University Award in Art & Design
  • Undersubscribed S/R programs: Doctoral awards in Greece, France, Finland, Iceland, and Ireland.
  • ETA program to India remains suspended for 2025-2026 (but not the S/R program)
  • Continued growth in the number of ETA awards to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
  • Undersubscribed: Study/research awards in all the countries
  • General focus on English teaching, disinformation, and media literacy in central Asia
  • Candidates must exemplify maturity & flexibility and have realistic expectations
  • Foreign language proficiency recommended (but not required) in several Central Asian countries
  • Grantees should be culturally sensitive, flexible, adaptive, patient, and self-sufficient
  • Most countries within the region require government and/or research clearances that may need additional documents and time (particularly Oman and Egypt)
  • The most competitive awards remain: Jordan, Morocco, and Israel
  • Undersubscribed: Saudi Arabia ETA; Bahrain study/research (for the third year); Kuwait S/Rs (for the fourth year);
  • New award: Egypt Arabic Language Study at CAASIC
  • Regional quota – no specific, pre-determined number of awards per country
  • Study/research applicants should read the award descriptions carefully as the degree level requirements and affiliation letter guidelines vary by country
  • Applicants must exemplify adaptability, patience, and maturity
  • Undersubscribed programs:
    • Study/research: Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Zimbabwe
    • ETA: Côte d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Zimbabwe
  • Canada seeks applicants doing cutting-edge research
  • Undersubscribed ETA: Honduras and Paraguay (perennially)
  • Undersubscribed S/R: Bolivia, Chile Science Initiative Award, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay,  COMEXUS Public Policy Initiative, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay

Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship in Public Health

Offered sporadically, this fellowship is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). It seeks to promote the expansion of research in public health and clinical research in resource-limited settings.

Applicants must be currently enrolled in medical school (having completed M3) or in a doctoral graduate program (with master’s-level requirements and post-qualifying exams) with an interest in global health. Besides the MD and PhD, eligible doctoral degrees include, but are not limited to: DMD, DC, DO, DVM, OD, DPM, ScD, EngD, DrPH, DNSc, DPT, PharmD, ND, DSW, PsyD, JD, and Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing. Health-professional students who wish to interrupt their studies for a year or more to engage in full-time research training before completing their formal training programs are also eligible.

Eligible countries for the 2025-2026 competition: Ecuador*, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, Nepal, ,  Peru, Nepal, Thailand*, Uganda, and Vietnam. (*=new) An applicant applies for the S/R in one of those countries, proposes their own research to conduct within the mentored framework of the Fogarty host.

Fulbright-National Geographic Award

This Award makes additional funding and resources available to enhance the reach and impact of your Fulbright experience.

Fulbright applicants go through the normal process for a “research” award and check a box in the application for NatGeo. Their Statement of Grant Purpose should not be framed in terms of “I need the NatGeo.” Do not gear the SGP toward NatGeo; however, storytelling and scalability might be mentioned. Semi-finalists will be invited to submit additional materials in late January / early February 2025.

Proposals should propose an in-depth examination of a globally relevant issue as an add-on to your Fulbright Open Study/Research project. NatGeo focus areas are: Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human History & Cultures, and Human Ingenuity, with funding opportunities in the fields of conservation, research, storytelling, education, and technology. Competitive applicants will either be:

  • Researchers, educators, conservationists, or technologists who require additional funds to broaden or deepen their Fulbright project;
  • Researchers, educators, conservationists, or technologists interested in building a science communication component into their proposed Fulbright project. If so, they should develop a clearly outlined plan delineating their intended audience and method of communication, providing an easily accessible portfolio showcasing previous communication work; or
  • Storytellers (artists, journalists, photographers, writers, filmmakers, and other storytellers) who require additional funds to broaden or deepen their Fulbright project.

Successful Fulbright-National Geographic applicants, in addition to receiving standard Fulbright US Study/Research Award benefits and additional grant funds, will join the National Geographic Society’s global community of Explorers and gain access to resources such as training opportunities, regional Explorer events, and dedicated staff support. As a recipient of this award, you will have the chance to work with National Geographic Society staff to present your work through speaking opportunities and pitch stories for potential media coverage. The National Geographic Society expects to select up to five awardees.

The National Geographic Society uses the power of science, exploration, education, and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. The Fulbright-National Geographic Award seeks individuals leveraging science, technology, and storytelling to help protect species-at-risk, better understand human history and culture, conserve our planet’s land and oceans, and build a more sustainable future. Applicants with a talent for and interest in storytelling are of particular interest.

CLEA - Critical Language Enhancement Award

CLEA is going through a transition period.

Why apply? Getting Started

The Fulbright Process Heading link

Event Date Description/Link
Informational website n/a
2025-2026 Competition Opens! April 2, 2024
Fulbright Month @ UIC April 2024 Infosessions and alumni panel discussion
IIE/Fulbright infosessions, webinars, and office hours Ongoing
Reach out to your FPA May - July Graduate and professional students @ UIC should contact Benn Williams (
Work on application send FPA drafts of essays May 1-August 15;
CAMPUS DEADLINE September 5, 2024 (4 pm CT) Submit online via Fulbright portal [You will have an opportunity for corrections/revisions]
Fulbright applicant conversations with UIC faculty/staff mid-September through early October via Zoom
NATIONAL DEADLINE October 8, 2024 (4 p.m. CT) Fulbright portal
Semi-finalists announced By ~ February 1st Fulbright portal
Finalists announced Mid-February through June Fulbright portal; the majority of finalists announced prior to April 15th (76% in the previous competition).

Application resources

Your journey starts here!

Who Becomes a Fulbrighter? Heading link

Fulbright Alumni Ambassadors

Each year, Fulbright appoints a number of “ambassadors” so that applicants can see, read about, and even communicate with human beings who have gone through the entire Fulbright experience from application to grantee to spokesperson. In 2022, our own Jozi Chaet served in this national role.


FulbrightLatinx was awarded a Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund grant and we were interested in identifying opportunities to reach the Latinx students on your campus. We have created a podcast of some of the conversations we have had (Estamos Juntos: U.S. LatinXchange Alumni Speaker Series) to touch upon various topics with the aim of encouraging Latinx students to apply for study abroad programs!

Chicago Chapter of the Fulbright Association

FulbrightChicago is a blog operated by the Fulbright Association, Chicago Chapter and serves the Fulbright students and visiting scholars who reside in the Chicago metropolitan area and its surroundings, as well as the Fulbright Association members. It also serves as a communication tool for all the Fulbright scholars who live in the area. We welcome your comments and participation.

I am Fulbright

Fulbright’s YouTube channel shows that the 75+ year-old program is much more diverse than you might expect.

IIE/Fulbright Info Sessions, Office Hours, and Webinars Heading link

The Institute of International Education (IIE) contracts with the Department of State to administer the Fulbright US Student Program. IIE provides a comprehensive list of webinars for the 2025-2026 competition cycle (with the September 5, 2024 campus deadline) on their website. Many webinars are recorded and made available.

Recorded webinars:

Upcoming events (click “Webinars” and “All States”):

Your Future with Fulbright: Empowering Black Scholars for Global Opportunities

June 18, 2024 – 4:00 to 5:00 PM CDT

We’ve invited Fulbright Alumni who identify as Black and/or African American to share about why they applied for Fulbright, their time abroad, and how it has shaped who they are today. Register Here:

Fulbright Alumni Voices: Creative Journeys with the Arts Award

June 20, 2024 – 5:00-5:00 pm CDT

Within the Study/Research Award of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, applicants have the opportunity to apply for a Fulbright Art Grant (creative and performing arts). There are supplementary materials in the application process for those who are interested in applying, so come learn from Fulbright Alumni who have gone through this process! Register:

Application Tips: Study/Research: Finding a Letter of Affiliation

June 26, 2024 – 1-2 pm CDT

What is a Letter of Affiliation and why is it part of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program application? Hear from Fulbright Alumni and staff about tips and advice on how to obtain this important letter. Register:

Overview of World Regions

July 2, 2024 – 3-4 pm CDT

As applicants select their award, either English Teaching Assistantship or Study/Research, they also must choose a host country or location. In addition to reviewing the general requirements of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, we will provide opportunities for applicants to ask questions in breakout rooms based on world regions (East Asia & Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe & Eurasia, South & Central Asia, and Western Hemisphere). Register:


August 1, 2024 – 3-4 pm CDT. Register:


Your Future with Fulbright: Global Pathways for Hispanic and Latinx Scholars

July 9, 2024 – 3-4 pm CDT

This is the last webinar of the “Your Future with Fulbright” series and we are featuring Fulbright Alumni with Hispanic/Latinx backgrounds. We’ll have the opportunity to hear about their Fulbright experiences and how they have opened doors for them. Register:

Fulbright and Mobility International USA: Students with Disabilities

July 10, 2024 – 2-3 pm CDT

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program and Mobility International USA (MIUSA) join together in this webinar to discuss and share about opportunities abroad and the use of accommodations. Come hear from Fulbright alumni about their Fulbright experiences and how they navigated being abroad. Register:

Fulbright Alumni Voices: How to do Fulbright for a PhD Dissertation and Post-Doc Opportunities

July 23, 2024 – 2-3 pm CT

Accomplished Fulbright Alumni share their personal stories, challenges, and triumphs in pursuing a PhD dissertation or engaging in post-doctoral research through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Gain unique perspectives on how these scholars leveraged the Fulbright experience to enrich their academic pursuits, build global networks, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Register:

Application Tips: Short Answers and Essays

July 25, 2024 – 1-2pm CDT

Practical advice on crafting short answers and essays in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program application. We’ll be going into breakout rooms based on the award, either English Teaching Assistantship or Study/Research, since they both have slight differences in their application requirements. Register:

Fulbright Alumni Voices: How to Pursue Graduate School Abroad

August 7, 2024 – 4:00 to 5:00 PM CDT

Are you interested or currently enrolled in a graduate degree program and want to study abroad? Fulbright Alumni recount how they chose their program and institution, navigated the admission process, and considered finances along with Fulbright support. Whether you’re a prospective graduate student considering international options or a current scholar interested in expanding your academic horizons, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to tap into the wisdom of Fulbright Alumni who have successfully navigated the path you’re considering. Register:

Application Tips: A Comprehensive Applicant Checklist

August 29, 2024 – 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT

Want to make sure you have all the components of your application? Follow a comprehensive checklist to ensure that your application is thorough, error-free, and aligned with Fulbright’s requirements. Learn how to compile and submit a well-organized application.


US Student Program

Ms. Lindsay Marshall (, Graduate College – FPA for graduate and professional students and graduate/professional alumni

Mr. Benn Williams (, Graduate College – FPA for graduate and professional students and graduate/professional alumni


Dr. Kim Germain (, Office of External Fellowships and Undergraduate Research – FPA for undergraduates and undergraduate alumni


US Scholars

Dr. Shawn Conner-Randot (,  Director of International Affairs and Outreach, Office of Global Engagement and Advisor for Fulbright Scholars Program*

*Exception: Benn Williams advises applicants for the Fulbright Scholar Public Policy Fellowship.

Foreign Student Program

No official liaisons. Unofficial liaisons: Benn Williams, Graduate College (waivers) and Melissa Hickok, Office International Services (visas).

Benn Williams Heading link

Fellowships and Awards Coordinator and Fulbright Program Advisor Travel Advisories

40 Alternatives to Fulbright