Other Funding
Select UIC Awards Heading link
Graduate Student Council Travel Awards and Project
For UIC graduate students. Travel Awards can be used for presentations at conferences; Project Grants are awarded for service projects.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship
For UIC students at all levels, based on ethnicity and academic merit. Applications are available online usually in January with an April deadline. Graduate students who receive the MLK award stipend also receive a tuition and selected fees waiver from the Graduate College.
Office of Global Engagement
OGE coordinates the Chicago Consular Corps Scholarship, Nuveen International Awards, and the Kirstein Award.
Chancellor's Student Service Award (CCSA)
The Chancellor’s Student Service Award (CSSA) honors students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University through campus and community service. Student nominees must contribute a significant amount of time, effort, and creativity to one or more campus and/or community service project(s).
Eugertha Bates Memorial Award
The Eugertha Bates Memorial Award is given in recognition of the student(s) whose volunteer activities, whether on campus and/or in a community setting, demonstrate an outstanding level of caring, dedication, and selfless commitment to others. Nominees must have exhibited an exceptional contribution to a humanitarian need.
Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award
The Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award is presented to the students whose volunteers activity substantially addresses a distinct need in the community along with inspiring others to engage in volunteer service. Individual recipients must be involved in the creation of a new project or service to address such a need, and must demonstrate the highest level of dedication and selfless commitment to volunteer service.
International Student Ambassador Service Award (ISASA)
The International Student Ambassador Service Award (ISASA) honors international students who are attending UIC on an international student visa and have made an outstanding contribution to the University through campus and/or community service, particularly by contributing to greater knowledge and understanding across our diverse national cultures. Student nominees must have contributed a significant amount of time and effort to projects, activities or causes that advance intercultural and international understanding on the UIC campus and/or amongst the Chicago community.
UI Cancer Center Trainee Travel Awards
The Cancer Center annually funds two rounds of Travel Awards in the Spring and Fall. [Graduate] students, postdoctoral fellows and clinical residents/fellows engaged in cancer-related research and mentored by faculty UIC are eligible.
Each awardee receives $500 to offset the cost of travel and registration to present their cancer-related work at conferences, which are valuable opportunities for young scientists to share their work and to network with other scientists.
Public Health Scholarships and Awards
The School of Public Health awards scholarships to students demonstrating significant academic achievements, engagement in research pursuits, and educational interest in different areas of public health. Announcements, including information about application procedures and deadlines, will be made in the fall academic term via the SPH-Students listserv.
Scholarship applications will be accessible via the UIC Scholarships and Awards (SNAP) system toward the end of the fall semester. Awards are typically paid out in the spring term. Please note that students cannot receive a monetary award from the school in a term for which they are graduating.
College of Nursing - PhD Student Research Awards.
Applications are accepted in early October for fall semester and early February for spring semester each year.
An email with comprehensive information about how to apply is sent to the PhD student listserv several times before the due dates. Awardees are notified the same month the application is received, following review and selection by the Nursing Research Committee. There are currently four funding sources. Students cannot receive support from the same source more than once.
U of Illinois System Awards Heading link
CONACYT Graduate Fellowship Program
The U of I System (UIC, UIUC, and UIS) has entered into an agreement with CONACYT (the National Science Foundation of Mexico) to support up to 10 Mexican nationals [annually] who have been admitted into PhD programs at one of the three UI System universities. CONACYT has agreed to support these PhD students for the first four years of their study and the UI administrative core will support the fifth year, if applicable. This is a competitive program and students must apply for the CONACYT award after having been accepted into a UIC PhD program.
Paul D. Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the Study
For University of Illinois graduate students, in the second year of study or beyond, in either biological-biomedical sciences or behavioral-social sciences, whose research involves the study of aging. The Doolen Scholarship is a one-time award and does not include a waiver from the Graduate College.
President's Research in Diversity Travel Award
For University of Illinois graduate and professional students who will be presenting papers, posters, or creative work at conferences related to issues of diversity or identity, such as those involving race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and national origin. There are two competitions in year, during the fall and spring terms.
Illinois Athletic and Academic Strive Scholar
The Strive Scholarship is earmarked for undergraduate or graduate students who demonstrate excellence in both athletic endeavors and academic pursuits.
Full-time University of Illinois System students at the Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, and Springfield universities, including incoming freshmen and transfer students, are encouraged to apply. Grant-in-aid recipients may be eligible for Strive scholarships under specified conditions.
Graduate and professional students must be in good academic standing. Students must also have demonstrated “special athletic ability” in an amateur sport and their participation must have been for personal development rather than as preparation for professional athletics.
Last year, 17 Strive recipients were awarded $2,500 each.
The application site is now open with a submission deadline of Monday, February 14, 2022. Scholarship applications can be submitted online at: www.uaps.uillinois.edu/strive.
On occasion, external funding agencies restrict the number of graduate student nominations, across disciplines, from a university. In these instances, the Graduate College runs limited competitions. (If the restrictions is specific to a singular department, then we encourage the latter to run its own limited competition.)
Google PhD Fellowship
The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields.
Joint AAAI/ACM SIGAI Doctoral Dissertation Award
The Joint AAAI/ACM SIGAI Doctoral Dissertation Award recognizes and encourages superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in artificial intelligence.
One nomination per university.