Funding Your Education Heading link

Funding a graduate degree can be complex. Without a familial or employer subsidy, one might turn to federal student loans (as a domestic student), on-campus employment, and campus and non-campus resources, including fellowships, awards, and waivers.
The Graduate College’s Fellowship Office provides this page as an overview of graduate funding. We strongly suggest that you bookmark this page for reference — there is a lot of information here and accessible in the accompanying links (below and to the left), which will take time to review. Even if you choose not to attend UIC, most of the information here will be useful to you as a prospective or current graduate student anywhere.
Domestic students often start at the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, where there is an abundance of information pertaining to the cost of education, steps in securing financial aid, and the different types of aid available. Off-campus opportunities for international students are clearly more limited. All students, however, are encouraged to start their “education” with the “Graduate Funding Overview” link below.