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Survey of Earned Doctorates

Survey of Earned Doctorates

The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is a federal agency survey conducted for the National Science Foundation and five other federal agencies.  The SED gathers information annually from 45,000 new U.S. research doctorate graduates about their educational histories, funding sources, and post-doctoral plans.

For use by doctoral students attempting to graduate.  The Survey is required and is completed online.  An email will automatically be sent to the Graduate College verifying that this has been completed.

To access and complete the online Survey of Earned Doctorates you will need to:

  1. Access the survey website at the link below.  At the website, provide your name, institution, graduation month and year, and your email address.  An email at the end of the registration process will be sent to that address.
  2. Once you submit the information above, they will send you an email with will allow you access to the survey.
  3. Upon completed submission, an email will automatically be generated to the student’s email that was input, and to the Graduate College.