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Master’s Degrees

Minimum Semester Hours Required Heading link

At least 32 beyond the baccalaureate; some degree programs require more.

Coursework Heading link

At least 60 percent of semester hours required for the degree must be earned as a degree candidate at UIC. At least 9 hours must be at the 500 level, excluding project (597), thesis (598), and independent study courses.

Only 400- and 500-level courses can be applied to a graduate degree. Credit toward a graduate degree is only given for courses in which a student received a grade of A, B, C, P, or S. Graduate programs may establish higher standards.

Master’s students who have completed all course credit requirements but have not yet completed a graduation requirement (e.g., thesis, or project, or comprehensive examination) are not required to register unless they hold a fellowship, assistantship or tuition and service-fee waiver. Students who are on a time-limited visa or are in programs that require continuous registration must petition the program and the Graduate College to register for zero hours in an appropriate course (thesis or project).

Foreign Language Heading link

Not required by the Graduate College; may be required by the program.

Comprehensive Examination Heading link

Not required by the Graduate College; may be required by the program. The candidate must be in good academic standing in the Graduate College and the department and have completed all other degree requirements.

Thesis or Project Heading link

Not required by the Graduate College; may be required by the program. Thesis student must earn at least 5 hours in thesis research (the 598 course offered by their program). A maximum of 40 percent of the total hours of credit required for the degree may be earned in thesis research, unless restricted by the program.

For information about Defense, please follow the Master’s Thesis Defense link below.

Time Limits Heading link

In graduate programs requiring 32 to 40 semester hours of graduate work, candidates must complete all of the requirements within five consecutive calendar years after their initial registration in the Graduate College. For programs requiring 41 to 64 semester hours of graduate work the time limit is six consecutive calendar years. Students pursuing more than one degree at the same time will be given an additional two years. Students who do not graduate by these deadlines will be dismissed from the Graduate College for failure to progress. Time spent on a leave of absence approved by the program and the Graduate College is not counted toward the degree time limit. For information about Defense, please follow the Leave of Absence link below.

Commencement Heading link

Attendance at commencement is voluntary. The Spring commencement exercises in May recognize students awarded degrees for the Spring term. The Fall commencement exercises in December recognize students awarded degrees for the Summer and Fall terms.