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All graduate students must have an academic advisor in the graduate program in which degree work is to be done. The academic advisor assists in planning a program of graduate study that fits the needs of the student and satisfies the graduate program and Graduate College requirements. New students should consult the director of graduate studies to discuss any orientation programs that may be offered, as well as the selection of an academic advisor. All PhD candidates must have a dissertation advisor who is a member of the Graduate College faculty. Both master's and doctoral students must have a major advisor (academic or research) who is a member of the Graduate College faculty.

Non-degree students admitted under a program should consult with the program.

Unassigned non-degree students do not have a formal advisor. The Graduate College does not have the expertise to advise students on course selection.  It may be possible to obtain some advice on course selection from a program office although many programs will only consult with students coded under their codes.  Non-degree students may need approval from an authorized person in the program(s) offering the course(s) they wish to take each term prior to attempting registration if there are registration restrictions on the course(s).  If in doubt, or if you get a restriction error when attempting to register, consult with the program office that is offering the course.