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Animal Research and Comparative Medicine Courses

GC 470, Essentials for Animal Research, GC 471, Experimental Animal Techniques, and GC 473, Seminar in Comparative Medicine, are courses offered by the Graduate College.

GC 470, Essentials for Animal Research, will acquaint student with the regulations, sources of information, humane principles and ethical considerations involving the appropriate use of animals for research and teaching purposes.  This course is required for students to take before they begin to engage in animal research.  The course is offered for one hour of credit, which usually does not count towards degree requirements.  Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Consult with your Director of Gradaute Studies for more information.

GC 471, Experimental Animal Techniques, is a continuation of GC 470 and deals with noninvasive and invasive techniques commonly used in laboratory animals and are performed with emphasis placed upon the proper use of anesthetic, analgesics and aseptic techniques. The course is offered for two hours of credit, which usually do not count towards degree requirements. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.  Prerequisite(s): GC 470.

GC 473, Seminar in Comparative Medicine, in which selected fields of interest and research in comparative medicine will be presented in the areas of comparative biology, model development and experimental techniques. The course is offered for either one or two hours of credit, which usually do not count towards degree requirements.  Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.
Prerequisite(s): GC 471 or consent of the instructor.

Additional information may be obtained from the Animal Care Committee.