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CMEP – UIC Students Attending Participant Institutions

UIC Students Attending the University of Chicago or Northwestern University as Exchange Scholars

  1. Partner Institutions – Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago
  2. Eligibility – student must be in a doctoral program at UIC or in a participating training program that is jointly supported by the Exchange Scholar’s home and host institutions
  3. Courses – Courses should be relevant to the student’s program and not offered on the home campus
  4. Credit – Automatically given at the home campus, assuming a grade acceptable to the home campus is received. Courses must be taken for credit, i.e., grades of A, B, C, D, or F are given. Pass/fail, satisfactory/unsatisfactory, credit/noncredit, or audit/visitor status cannot be used for Exchange Scholars although it may be possible to obtain special permission for a course that only offers these grading options at the host institution. (It would have to be determined if the host option is equivalent to UIC’s S/U grade.)

Note: UIC students who wish to take classes through the CMEP program at the University of Chicago must meet their immunization requirement in order to register. Information regarding U of C immunization submission can be found at: Failure to submit immunization information properly will result in your being placed on restriction, which will deny you access to  facilities and future class enrollments at the University of Chicago. No registration can occur until this requirement has been met.

Process for Application and Registration

  1. The student must consult with his or her academic adviser, who will determine whether the off-campus opportunity is likely to enhance the student’s education and ascertain that it is not, in fact, available on the UIC campus.
  2. The student’s academic adviser discusses the proposed visit with the instructor(s) of the course(s) at the host university. Both faculty members have to agree that the student is qualified to take advantage of the visit, and the instructor(s) at the host campus needs to agree to allow the student in the course(s).
  3. The student completes the CMEP application and submits it to the UIC CMEP Liaison at least six weeks before the beginning of the host-university course. Though late submission is sometimes allowed with the permission of the instructor at the host institution, no applications well be accepted after the start of the host institution’s term. Note: Approval is required on the form from the academic advisor, Director of Graduate Studies or department head/chair, and CMEP Liaison at the home (UIC) institution.
  4. If the CMEP Liaison at the home institution (UIC) approves the application it is submitted to the CMEP Liaison at the host institution for review.
  5. The host institution CMEP Liaison will attempt to obtain approval from the instructor(s), department head/chair, and, if approved, sign the form and notify the home institution. Since the instructor(s) have already consulted with the student’s advisor, usually no issues will occur. However, there could be a reason that any of the required signatories do not approve, and the application does not move forward. Therefore, processing the form early enough to allow routing before the earlier of either the home or host institution’s registration period ends is essential.
  6. When the application has been approved by all reviewers at each campus, the host university will notify the student of the registration process at the host university. It is essential that the registration instructions are followed, and that the student verifies with the host CMEP Liaison that the registration process has been completed. Usually, the host institution will want to receive proof of registration for the equivalent number of hours of GC 500 at UIC (see item 7 below), in order to waive the host institution tuition charges. The University of Chicago will require a health fee even though a health fee is also required at UIC.
  7. The student will simultaneously register at UIC for an equivalent number of semester hours (per course) of GC 500 (any of the section numbers may be used). For example, if the host university course is equivalent to 100 units (5 quarter hours or 3.33 semester hours), the student will register for three semester hours of GC 500 at UIC. If the student is attending more than one course, more than one section number should be used (two courses at the host university, two sections of GC 500 at UIC). [For quarter hours conversion to semester hours, the GC 500 section(s) at UIC should be 2/3 of the quarter hours, rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example, a 4 quarter hours course = 2.67 semester hours; therefore, register for 3 hours of GC 500 at UIC.]
  8. The student is billed UIC tuition rates for the GC 500 registration.
  9. If you need to drop a CMEP course: (a) consult with the host liaison to determine if drops are allowed at that point in the term; (b) if allowed, follow the procedures provided by host liaison to drop the course(s) at that institution; (c) when finalized at the host institution, consult with the UIC CMEP Liaison to also ensure that the GC 500 course is properly dropped at UIC.
  10. At the end of the UIC term, a temporary grade of NR (not recorded) or DFR (Deferred) will be entered on the student’s UIC record.
  11. At the completion of the host university’s term, the host university will send the UIC Liaison an official transcript, and the grade will become part of the student’s UIC transcript.

Application Form

The following form must be used. Complete as described above prior to submission to the home campus liaison.