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Grievance Information

Student Academic Grievance

First instituted in 1983, the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Academic Grievance Procedures define a process by which students, faculty and academic employees can seek resolution of complaints. Not all actions are eligible for  grievance so it is important that these procedures be reviewed for both eligibility and process.

There are strict deadlines, procedures, and guidelines for eligibility that must be followed by both graduate students and the faculty or administrators involved.

The Student Academic Grievance Polcy and Procedures were revised effective April 27, 2017.

Students lose their right to continue to the next step of the procedures if they miss a deadline, but may automatically appeal to the next higher level if their grievance has not been handled by the appropriate University officer within the administrative deadline. Only the Chancellor may make an exception to a deadline in these procedures, and only for extraordinary reasons.

Office of the Dean of Student Affairs Resources

The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, 3030 Student Services Building, oversees the Student Community Standards and Disciplinary Processes. Please consult their website for information regarding the Student Disciplinary Policy and Student Rights & Responsibilities in the Conduct Process.