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Withdrawing From All Courses

Withdrawal from all courses in a term is governed by specific regulations that students should observe to protect their academic standing. Failure to withdraw officially from the University before the last day of instruction may result in a grade of F (failure) appearing on the record for each course in which the student is registered.

  • Students dropping all courses, or the only course for which they are enrolled, while registration is still open for that term, i.e. by the official 10th day of Fall and Spring Semesters or the 5th day of Summer Session, should follow Course Drop Procedure.  This is done via Student Self-Service.  Students should drop every class but one online, and then follow the directions to send a message to the Registration Office to have the final class dropped.
  • After registration for a particular term has closed, but before the final examination period has begun, a student who wishes to withdraw from all registration for that term should complete the online Term Withdrawal Form.  Note that graduate degree-seeking students attempting a Term Withdrawal
  • Students who are registered in courses that run in only part of the term (Part of Term A or B, or Summer term S1 and S2) have different withdrawal deadlines.  Consult with your academic program and information at for deadlines.
  • In the rare instance where a student requests to withdraw from all courses for a term after the final examination period has begun, or the term has ended, the student will need to complete a Graduate College petition.  A full justification must be written on the petition, with additional documentation (doctor’s statement, proof of attendance at another institution, etc.).  Approval from the Director fo Graduate Studies home department is also required.
  • Click here for complete registration information.

Students who withdraw from all courses through the official tenth day of the Fall or Spring semester (official fifth day in summer 8-week session; see calendar for 4-week deadlines) are not considered to have been registered for that term  The withdrawn courses will not appear on the student’s transcript and will not be charged any tuition or related fees. See Cancelation of Registration.

Students who withdraw from all courses after the official tenth day of the Fall or Spring semester (fifth in summer 8-week session; see calendar for 4-week deadlines) are considered “in residence” for that term for most purposes, although usually not for funding or financial aid situations, and are eligible to register for the next term. The withdrawn courses will appear on their transcript with a “W” grade. Click here to view the refund schedule.

Graduate students who fail to register for two terms in a row (excluding summer) without taking an approved leave of absence forfeit their admission to the Graduate College. Like students who have officially withdrawn from the university before the tenth day of the semester (fifth day in summer), they must reapply for admission to the Graduate College. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Withdrawal to Enter Military Service:

A graduate student who must leave the university in order to enter into active service with the armed forces in a national or state emergency (including being called up for the Active Reserve Forces and the National Guard) during the first twelve weeks of the semester (first six weeks in summer session) will be withdrawn from courses with a full refund of tuition and fees. If called to active duty after that time, and before the end of the term, the student may withdraw from all courses with a full refund of tuition and fees, or, the student may ask the instructor(s) for permission to receive an Incomplete (IN) or Deferred (DFR) grade(s). An instructor may assign an IN or DFR if deemed academically appropriate and feasible. Alternatively, an instructor may assign a letter grade, if requested by the student, if the instructor deems it to be academically justified. Deadlines for incomplete grades under these circumstances may be waived upon the discretion of the instructor and the Graduate College. A student who chooses to withdraw from all courses will not receive a “W.” It is the student’s responsibility to present proof of active service status for these actions to occur. (See Financial Obligations and Refunds for additional information.)