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Public Service Graduate Internship Award – Hosts

The units below have expressed an interest in hosting an intern and provided a short description. The list is NOT comprehensive. Student may seek other options on campus.

Descriptions have been provided by the host unit. Students should send inquiries to, or seek further information from, the contact person listed. Listings are in no particular order. Please note that the competition's deadline has been extended to 5 pm, 5/13/2020. It is the student's responsibility to check eligibility factors.

Units with multiple openings will have the number listed parenthetically.

(1) OVCR - Communications - withdrawn

Project/skills sought: [WITHDRAWN]

(2) OVCR - Research Development Services - FILLED

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Sarah O’Brien


Project/skills sought: RDS is launching a UIC Research Development Network. This network will connect those involved in research development across UIC including at the campus, college, department, institute, or center level. It will allow groups to share expertise, best practices, relevant opportunities, and provide better coordination for pursuing larger grants. We seek a graduate student who can help build an inventory of people, resources, and services that support research development across campus. The student would also help design a website that could house and communicate this information, as well as help with other communication channels. The student might also help with a statistical analysis describing collaborative research at UIC, which can serve as a baseline to evaluate the success of such a network. The student would need strong written and verbal communication skills and be highly organized. Experience with web design is a plus. If the data analysis will be pursued, the student will also need strong quantitative/statistical analysis skills.

(1) MUSE - Museums and Organized Labor

Host supervisor/contact: Mr. Anthony Stepter


Project/skills sought: Project: Museums and Organized Labor

This project is to create a database of museums with unions (timeframe TBD), gathering data that is publicly accessible including dates unions were ratified and of first contract; copies of contracts; salary scales, if included; related media coverage, if any; and other information to be decided with supervisor.

Skills: Research; Digital database development

(2) MUSE - Museums and Accessibility

Host supervisor/contact: Mr. Anthony Stepter


Project/skills sought: Project: Museums and Accessibility

This project has two branches: This first is to research and document Chicago-area and other museums with contemporary disability-related programming, describing in detail the specifics of the programming and the modes of access offered, and gathering examples of related materials. The second is to research and document Chicago-area and other museums with contemporary Spanish-language programming, describing in detail the specifics of this programming (exhibition labels? audio tours? available at all times or by appointment?) and gathering examples of related materials.

(3) MUSE - Exhibitions on UIC's Campus

Host supervisor/contact: Anthony Stepter


Possible projects / skills needed: Project: Exhibitions on UIC’s Campus

This project is to research (survey, online) campus-based resources for exhibitions, including (but not limited to) the location, contacts, and guidelines for use for East and West campus student center galleries; description, contacts, and guidelines for use of the Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change galleries and archives; sources of funding; and examples of successful course-based and other student-developed campus exhibitions. Details to be developed with supervisor.


Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Kei Hotoda, Graduate Program Coordinator


Possible projects / skills needed:

We anticipate needing clerical work to help with tasks related to graduate program operations and departmental financial operations.
There are two particular projects we may need help with: (1) collecting, organizing and curating course materials for online teaching and (2) helping our staff (Graduate Program Coordinator and Department Chair) with departmental business and financial operations.

Prior experience with University applications: Banner, TEM, MyUIFinancials, the P-Card system, budgeting, and online teaching is strongly preferred.

(1) Sustainability - SITES - FILLED

Host supervisor/contact: Lisa Sanzenbacher


Project/skills sought:

  • General skills needed:
    • Proficiency in basic computer applications (Word, Excel, etc)
    • Good academic record with a minimum GPA of 3.0
    • Excellent organizational skills
    • Good written and verbal communication
    • Knowledge of planning principles
  • Specific to the SITES internship:
    • Assisting in the completion of creating documentation necessary to achieve SITES certification for the UIC Arthington Mall Renovation Project.
    • Familiarity with mapping using software such as GIS, AutoCAD, and Adobe Suites
    • Familiarity with reading construction drawings
    • Interest in sustainability and sustainable construction including a strong interest in sustainability and environmental work
    • Familiarity with mapping using software such as GIS, AutoCAD, and Adobe Suites
    • Familiarity with reading construction drawings

(2) Sustainability - Sustainability Planning

Host supervisor/contact: Lisa Sanzenbacher


Project/skills sought:

  • General skills needed:
    • Proficiency in basic computer applications (Word, Excel, etc)
    • Good academic record with a minimum GPA of 3.0
    • Excellent organizational skills
    • Good written and verbal communication
    • Knowledge of planning principles
  • Specific to the Sustainability Planning internship
    • Assisting the Sustainability team with developing plans and convening committees
    • Developing a green cleaning plan for UIC
    • Supporting the Chancellor’s Committee on Sustainability and Energy
    • Working with staff to develop a template for Unit-level Zero Waste Plans
    • Support for the Campus Wide Sustainability Unit Planning task force
    • Familiarity with concepts of sustainability and sustainable operations

Office of International Services (OIS)

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. James Hammerschmidt

Email:; Phone: 312-996-3121

Project/skills sought: 

  • Assist with moving the OIS website to the new campus format using RED
  • Collaborate with assistant directors to design, post and maintain content to the OIS website that is user-friendly, accessible and attractive
  • Develop forms for the OIS website
  • Investigate and review the OIS website for potential content ideas
  • Assess web usage and create other metrics of evaluation
  • Assist with posting OIS events and information on social media
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Preferred skills: CSS3, HTML5, WordPress, experience in IT development and modifying new and existing webpages
  • Preferred degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Decision Sciences
  • Other degrees preferred: Design (CADA), Communication, English, International Studies

Study Abroad Office - RE-OPENED

Host supervisor/contact: Marlee Stein


Project/skills sought: 

  • Assist with moving the SAO website to the new campus format using RED
  • Collaborate with associate director to design, post, and maintain content to the SAO website that is user-friendly, accessible, and attractive
  • Investigate and review the SAO website for potential content ideas
  • Assess web usage and create other metrics of evaluation
  • Assist with posting SAO events and information on social media
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Preferred skills: CSS3, HTML5, WordPress, experience in IT support, experience modifying new and existing webpages, and strong communication skills
  • Preferred degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Decision Sciences, Marketing, or Communications

International Affairs

Host supervisor/contact: Nora Bonnin


Possible projects / skills needed:  Someone who is familiar with web pages and data bases.

International Affairs needs help in the following areas:

  • Updating the website
  • Maintaining international collaboration agreements
  • Generating reports and lists from databases

(1) Office of Diversity

Host supervisor/contact: Jacob Mueller, Director of Finance and Administration


Project/skills sought:  We are looking to hire a motivated, detail-oriented, expert-level animator to help create videos and other training module formats for the VPE Inclusive Classroom Initiative (ICI). They will have enough animation and graphics experience to work without much supervision and will be able to come up with creative solutions for complex ideas. That is a high-priority internship.

(2) Office of Diversity - FILLED

Host supervisor/contact: Jacob Mueller, Director of Finance and Administration


Project/skills sought:  We seek a data person who has experience with data mining, analysis, preparation and report/graphics creation. I am not a data person, so in laypeople language, they’d be able to pull data from a database or several sets of spreadsheets, etc., analyze it, format it, make it pretty and use various kinds of charts, graphs, etc., to help create reports and update website information portals.  It would help to have an understanding of the actual data and context, but more important to know how to read, manipulate and present in various forms/formats.

Office of Advising Development (OAD)

Host supervisor/contact: Josephine Volpe, Assistant Vice Provost for Advising Development

Email: [Note new contact]

Project/skills sought: 

Currently we have one potential position open within the Office of Advising Development (OAD). The OAD works on professional development for advisors and the iAdvise project. We are looking for a candidate who can assist with web page development to optimize all websites maintained by OAD and our weekly online newsletter. We also will need technical assistance to execute plans for online professional development activities for advisors and for iAdvise “quick guides” short training videos (specifically targeted for faculty and students).

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Innovation

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Alan Koncarevic, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation & Corporate Partnerships


Project/skills sought: Opportunity contributing to our corporate partnerships efforts.

Office of the Dean of Students - FILLED

Host supervisor/contact: Jess Joslin, Director of UIC Dialogue Initiative and Diversity Education


Project/skills sought: 

Student Assistance

  • Creating a resource guide for students facing housing and food insecurity
  • Development of a website for basic needs of students
  • Development of U & I Care Peer Care Team
  • Updating Maxient Letters

Community Standards

  • Benchmarking student conduct processes and their office websites at similar institutions
  • Creating infographics and/or flowcharts to reflect our process

Diversity Education

  • Updating the website
  • Conducting research on bias response policies & resources
  • Collaborating on a bystander intervention training


Arab American Cultural Center - FILLED


Host Unit: Arab American Cultural Center

Host Supervisor/Contact: Dr. Zeina Zaatari


Possible Project / Skills needed: The Arab American Cultural Center will be working on a number of different projects where we would welcome support with. This includes Survey Report on the Status and Need of MENA/Arab Students at UIC, Annual Report, Campaign Planning  (Interviews, stories, research, etc..), and Engaging Alumni. In terms of skills that would be useful (please note that one person does not have to have all of these, any would be welcome): familiarity and experience with quantitative research method and reporting; familiarity and experience with qualitative research methods, including interviewing and story-telling; program planning, development, and management; online and archival research skills; and/or design and marketing.

(1) Disability Cultural Center - FILLED

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Margaret Fink


Possible projects / skills needed:

In Summer 2020, we are undertaking a revision and expansion of our existing website. As desired, Public Service Interns could collaborate with DCC staff on site architecture and presentation, and they could help compile research for particular resources. We are primarily looking for assistance with building the site on the back-end. Interns could also develop social media protocols for internal use, based on accessibility and social media best practices. Familiarity with digital accessibility, disability culture, and disability as a social justice issue are not required; we can provide training. We seek research skills and basic familiarity with social media and website building applications (UIC uses a WordPress-based platform).

(2) Disability Cultural Center

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Margaret Fink


Possible projects / skills needed:

We are seeking a PSGI who has some familiarity with disability culture; social model, political/relational model, or social justice understandings of disability; and accessibility best practices. This Intern would work in collaboration with the DCC staff on research tasks in support of resources that the DCC is developing for the UIC community and beyond. These resources would be intended to promote a culture of accessibility on campus and could include: resources around event planning and running meetings, compilations of disability culture social media accounts, resources for instructors, curriculum/research guides that focus on particular intersectionalities (disability and immigration, for example), etc. While this is primarily a research position, we hope that this PSGI could also draft content in the form of guides.

(1) Department of Educational Psychology - FILLED

Host/supervisor contact person:  Stacey Horn


Project Description:

The Department of Educational Psychology seeks an intern to help with several projects related to community engagement including developing a set of resources for families, community organizations and children and youth to help navigate the current COVID-19 situation.  The intern will conduct several assessments (asset mapping, needs assessments) of community organizations and community-based resources for young people and families.  Building on the expertise in the department the intern will also help to meet the needs of our community partners during this difficult time, develop additional resources, curriculum and programs for young people and families, and work with community-based organizations on securing grants and other funding.

(2) Department of Educational Psychology - FILLED

Host/supervisor contact person:  Stacey Horn


Project Description:

The Department of Educational Psychology seeks an intern to provide support for our early childhood education pathways initiatives.  The intern will work with several faculty members on several initiatives to support diversifying the early childhood education workforce.  Interns will need experience with spreadsheets and databases, conducting asset maps and needs assessment, and interfacing with students and teacher candidates.  The intern will provide support to students in early childhood education, to early childhood centers, as well as assist with developing on-line resources for parents and families to engage with young children.

Honors College (2)

Host supervisor/contact:  Michele McCrillis, Asst. Dean


Possible projects / skills needed: There are two possibilities:

  1. We are interested in CS student to help develop an internal online inventory system. The ideal candidate must have OOP experience.  PHP and MySQL database experience is a plus, but not required.
  2. Someone interested in helping faculty with online course design – using Blackboard and other platforms


Department of African American Studies

Host supervisor/contact: Briana Hanny, Assistant Director


The main responsibility of the intern will be to help with tasks related to the departmental name change to the Department of Black Studies, effective AY 2020-2021 and other clerical/administrative tasks as needed.

Anticipated projects:

  • Assist with the transition and updating of the department website and social media content in alignment with the name change to Black Studies. Assignments to include, but not limited to the collection and curation of images, design of new webpages, editing of existing webpages.
  • Work with the assistant director to create and post content on the department’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) throughout the summer.
  • Maintain and monitor the department’s Outlook email account and send correspondence as needed.
  • Collect and curate materials and resources for online teaching and learning for summer and fall 2020 to be made accessible through the department’s website in addition to resources related to COVID-19.
  • Support assistant director in coordinating launch programming for the department name change for beginning of Fall 2020.
  • Assist the business manager with year-end close tasks.
  • Assist with clerical and administrative tasks as needed.

Preferred skills:

  • Prior experience in an interdisciplinary department
  • Experience with website editing/modification, WordPress RED experience preferred
  • Experience with content creation and social media as well as design software (Adobe, Canva, etc.)
  • Program planning, development, management skill desired

Department of Germanic Studies

Host supervisor/contact: Susanne Rott, Department Head


Possible projects / skills needed: Language Program Development

We seek an intern who would like to learn about the principles for the development of different components of a coordinated multi-section language program.

The intern will assist in:

  • designing a syllabus with google docs
  • creating flashcards with Quizlet, and word games
  • designing interactive grammar explanations
  • creating effective discussion boards
  • testing online exams
  • designing website content

Skills sought:

  • (near-)native knowledge of German, working knowledge of Blackboard components, ability to research and troubleshoot technology, ability to work in teams

Language and Culture Learning Center

Host supervisor/contact: Dr. Elizabeth Weber


Possible projects / skills needed:

  • Collaborate with director to revise Peer Tutoring Handbook.
  • Work with the director to create and post content on the department’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) throughout the summer.
  • Maintain and monitor the LCLC’s email account and send correspondence as needed.
  • Assist TAs, lecturers, and faculty in revising their syllabi and materials to prepare for online teaching in Fall 2020.
  • Collect and curate materials and resources for online teaching and learning for summer and fall 2020 to be made accessible through the LCLC website (add to existing COVID-19 resource page).
  • Assist with clerical and administrative tasks as needed.

Preferred skills:

  • Fluency in one or more of the following: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic
  • Experience with Blackboard, particularly Bb quizzes and assignments.
  • Experience with website editing/modification, both Google Sites and WordPress RED experience preferred.
  • Experience with content creation and social media as well as design software (Adobe Spark).

(1) Art History - Alumni Outreach

Host supervisor/contact: Brenda Roman


Possible projects / skills needed:

This project will entail working with the alumni of the Department of Art History in order to provide updated records of their activities and professional accomplishments for our website. One goal will also be to create a supportive and engaged alumni network to provide mentoring and expertise to current students in the department.

Skills: Research, database development

(2) Art History - Online history of public art in Chicago

Host supervisor/contact: Brenda Roman


Possible projects/skills need:

This project involves developing an online history of public art in Chicago to be housed on the Department of Art History website. This digital humanities project may include (online) interviews done with the public, regarding the responses to and experiences of public art.

Skills: Research, database development

(1) Women's Leadership & Resource Center - Gender-based violence

Host supervisor/contact:  Natalie Bennett, Director


Possible projects / skills needed:

Develop resource guides for education, support and violence prevention that speak to the experiences of marginalized communities in relation to gender-based violence, including various groups of women of color, indigenous women, LGBTI individuals, people with disabilities, immigrants, etc. and the various ways that these communities overlap.

Research and develop a survivor narrative project that could operate as (both virtual and in-person) space for healing and education for UIC community members, and would include engaging with UIC alumni.  The project would be launched in Summer/Fall 2020.

In terms of the background, knowledge and skills that would be useful: familiarity with feminist approaches to social justice and community-building; knowledge about experience with qualitative research methods (online and archival methods; interviewing; storytelling), program planning and development, graphic design and social media marketing.

(2) Women's Leadership & Resource Center - Parents guide and 30th anniversary

Host supervisor/contact:  Natalie Bennett, Director


Possible projects / skills needed:

The center will commemorate its 30th anniversary in the 2020-2021 academic year. Working with digitally archived materials, the intern will research and craft a timeline of the center’s history and growth, including programmatic and research efforts.

Research and develop a resource guide for student-parents at UIC, including, but not limited to, human resources policies, prenatal care, financial support, and healthcare access.

In terms of the background, knowledge and skills that would be useful: familiarity with feminist approaches to social justice and community-building; knowledge about experience with qualitative research methods (online and archival methods; interviewing; storytelling), program planning and development, graphic design and social media marketing.

The School of Public Health, Collaboratory for Health Justice

Host/supervisor contact person:  Jeni Hebert-Beirne


Project Description:

The School of Public Health, Collaboratory for Health Justice seeks two interns to provide support for the UIC Community Engagement COVID19 Strike Force, an east-west collaboration of UIC faculty, students, and staff who are community engaged scholars and/or civically engaged, who want to provide an organized COVID19 response to support our community partners.  The interns will work with faculty, staff, and students to build and implement Technical Assistant Units to support UIC community partners grant writing and technical assistance needs.  Interns may oversee masters and undergrad students who are volunteering for the Strike Force. Interns may compile resource inventories and/or serve as a navigator to resources for community partners. The students must be highly organized, have great administration skills and need experience with grant writing, community engagement and outreach and data analysis.

Gender and Women's Studies

Host supervisor/contact: Rachel Caidor Assistant Director


This position will begin on Monday, May 18, 2020 and continue until Friday, August 14, 2020. The graduate student intern will work remotely approximately 15-20 hours per week in coordination with staff and faculty from the Gender and Women’s Studies Program.

Anticipated projects:

  • Assist with the transition of GWS courses to remote/online formats in a way that reflects GWS’s commitment to feminist social justice pedagogy.
  • Creating tools such as fillable Independent Study Request forms that will improve remote / digital information management.
  • Update GWS website, social media to reflect current course offerings as well as resources for students and faculty adapting to hybrid educational landscape.
  • Support Assistant Director in developing scheduled social media posts for student engagement in AY 2020-20201.
  • Bring best practices for incorporating poetry, Queer Black and person of color feminisms, and social justice theory into existing GWS courses moving to remote formats.
  • Work on protocols and practices that will center tech equity, digital accessibility, and disability accommodations for students faculty and staff  as GWS shifts towards more online gatherings and courses
  • Maintain and monitor GWS’s social media and electronic communications.
  • Design and format templates for outreach materials.
  • Support Assistant Director in organizing administrative files.
  • Support Director and Assistant Director in updating information in UIC’s Course Request Systems to reflect current learning outcomes.
  • Assist with clerical and administrative tasks as needed.

Preferred skills:

  • Prior experience in an interdisciplinary department
  • Prior experience in transitioning discussion based courses to online/remote formats
  • Willingness to learn WordPress RED

FAQs Heading link

Q1: Which terminal master’s degree programs are eligible?

A1: For this competition, UIC’s terminal master’s programs are: Architecture (MArch; MS); Architecture in Health Design (MS); City Design (MCD); Civic Analytics (MS); Design Criticism (MA); Biomedical Visualization (MS); Environmental & Urban Geography (MA); Forensic Science (MS); Forensic Toxicology (MS); French and Francophone Studies (MA); Graphic and Industrial Design (MDes); History (MAT); Latin American & Latino Studies (MA); Moving Image, New Media Arts, Photography, Studio Arts (MFAs); Museum and Exhibition Studies (MA); Occupational Therapy (MS); Spanish (MAT). Students in professional programs and/or programs not under the auspices of the Graduate College are ineligible.

Q2: How does this differ from an assistantship?

A2: Linguistically dating to 17th century French medical training and conceptually akin to the medieval apprenticeship model, “to intern” is to gain practical experience in a particular field with our without pay. An assistantship is employment to perform proscribed duties. Harkening back to an earlier period of US history with high unemployment and embracing the university’s mission “to train professionals in a wide range of public service disciplines” and “to address the challenges and opportunities facing not only Chicago but all Great Cities of the 21st century,” the emphasis here is on experience and public service.

Updates Heading link

This list will be updated periodically. Last update:  16:05, May 13, 2020.


4/28/20: (1) OVCR – withdrawn; VPUAA updated to OAD

4/29/20: Honors College added

4/30/20: Revision to Study Abroad description; Arab American Cultural Center – no longer accepting inquiries

5/1/20: Department of African American Studies added; deadline extended to 5/13; Department of Educational Psychology is no longer accepting inquiries

5/4/20: Department of Germanic Studies added; Language and Culture Learning Center added; MUSE – no longer accepting inquiries; Study Abroad – no longer accepting inquiries; Office of Diversity (Data) – no longer accepting inquiries; OVCR – no longer accepting inquiries

5/5/20: Department of Art History – positions added; revision to Philosophy’s projects; FAQs added

5/6/20: Department of Art History – contact information updated; Sustainability SITES position – no longer accepting inquiries; DCC – no longer accepting inquiries.

5/8/20: Department of Philosophy – no longer accepting inquires; “FAQ” section moved above “Updates”; Study Abroad – RE-OPENED; Women’s Leadership & Resource Center – two positions added; DCC – added second position; Honors College – no longer accepting inquiries

5/11/20: Office of Advising Development and the DCC – no longer accepting inquiries; added SPH Collaboratory.

5/12/20: Added GWS position; Office of Advising Development re-opened search.

5/13/20: Sustainability positions filled.