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Fellowships Office Information

The Graduate College Fellowships Office at UIC works mainly with three groups: graduate students, graduate programs, and external fellowship agencies. Services for graduate students include resources and assistance in targeting, applying for, and managing funding. We work closely with departments to help with student funding questions. The Fellowship Coordinator serves as the official UIC contact for a number of external fellowships and funding agencies as well.

For further information, please review the Graduate Funding Overview section of the UIC Graduate College website.

If you are seeking to verify a medical fellow or medical residency, you are in the wrong place. Please contact the Office of Graduate Medical Education in the College of Medicine. (Yes, the units’ names are very similar.) We will not respond to errant faxes to the Graduate College.

Medical fellow verification

Benn E. Williams Heading link

Fellowships and Awards Coordinator

601 S. Morgan St., 633 UH, MC 192, Chicago, Illinois 60607