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Admission Status


Full Status

Student Level: 2G. Application Decisions (Slate):

Admit – no pending condition(s)

Conditional Admit – pending official/final academic credentials

Admit (2) – second admit decision for a term no pending conditions

Conditional Admit (2) – second admit for term pending official/final academic credentials

Cleared admit – admit clear once pending conditions satisfied

A degree applicant is admitted on full status when s/he has satisfied all academic requirements for admission (including the completion of any required undergraduate coursework) and has submitted all required credentials by the appropriate deadline. The program should recommend “Admit Full Standing” on the Program Review form in Slate and send the application to the Admissions Final Audit bin which is overseen by the Office of Graduate Admissions (AES). Applicants who have not received their bachelor’s degree will be admitted conditionally and must submit a final transcript noting the conferral of this degree before the admission semester at UIC begins. Failure to submit final transcript(s) may result in admission being cancelled.

Since Graduate College applicants often apply for admission before receiving their bachelor’s degree and submit unofficial academic credentials during the application process, they are admitted on Conditional Admit status (application decision code Admit Full Standing) under the condition that they will satisfactorily complete the degree before they begin their graduate studies. Applicants who are admitted under this condition are reminded by the Office of Graduate Admissions (AES) that they must submit a final transcript noting the conferral date of the degree and the deadline. If the missing credentials are not submitted by the deadline imposed by the Admissions Office, the student will have a registration hold on their account preventing registration for any subsequent terms beyond their first. The Office of Graduate Admissions is responsible for monitoring pending admissions and will clear conditions for admission when the appropriate credentials are received.

Limited Status

Student Level: 2G. Application Decisions (Slate):

Admit Limited Status – department deficiencies and/or GPA or English proficiency below Graduate College minimum

Conditional Admit Lim Stat – department deficiencies or GPA below Graduate College minimum and pending Bachelor’s degree or final/official academic credentials

Admit Limited Status (2) – second admit decision for a term with department deficiencies or GPA below Graduate College minimum

Conditional Admit Lim Stat (2) – second admit decision for a term with department deficiencies or GPA below Graduate College minimum and pending Bachelor’s degree or final/official academic credentials

Cleared Admit – admit clear once pending conditions satisfied

Applicants who have some minor deficiencies in undergraduate preparation for the graduate degree program to which they are applying may be admitted on limited status only. The program should recommend “Admit Limited Standing” on the Program Review form in Slate and upload written justification specific to the applicant for the admission, and the exact conditions that must be met by the student in the separate sections provided; once completed move the application to the Graduate College Approval bin. Upload of the limited standing admission recommendation letter that was sent to the applicant is not required in Slate, although it is recommended; however, the limited admission letter must include the conditions and deadlines for changing from limited to full standing. Note that limited conditions must not exceed two semesters.

If the Graduate College agrees with the recommendation, the application will be processed and moved to the Admissions Final Audit bin overseen by the Office of Graduate Admissions (AES). If the Graduate College disagrees, the application will be returned to the Program Coordinator 2 bin and assigned to the queue of the person who entered the program decision to prompt the program to possibly update their decision/provide additional information regarding their decision. Exceptional cases should be discussed with the Assistant Dean before the department sends its recommendation for admission to the applicant, and written justification from the DGS must be uploaded to SLATE.

Since Graduate College applicants often apply for admission before receiving their bachelor’s degree and submit their unofficial uploaded academic credentials during the application process, they are admitted on Conditional Admit Limited Status (application decision code Conditional Admit Lim Stat) under the condition that they will satisfactorily complete the degree before they begin their graduate studies. Applicants who are admitted under this condition are reminded by the Office of Graduate Admissions (AES) that they must submit a final transcript noting the conferral date of the degree and the deadline. If the missing credentials are not submitted by the deadline imposed by the Admissions Office, the student will have a registration hold on their account preventing registration for any subsequent terms beyond their first. The Office of Graduate Admissions is responsible for monitoring pending admissions and will clear conditions for admission when the appropriate credentials are received.

Post-Admission: Applicants may be admitted on limited status for a maximum of two semesters. If the applicant’s undergraduate grade point average is below 2.75 s/he is required to receive grades of A or B in the first 16 hours of graduate-level coursework in order to remain in the program.

Graduate programs may require a higher level of performance and may apply criteria in addition to those stated above. It is the responsibility of the program to notify applicants of and monitor any program-imposed admission conditions.

When the student satisfies these conditions, the program office must notify the Graduate College via the form for Reporting Changing Student Status From Limited To Full, located within the Faculty & Staff Resources section on the Graduate College website.

If the student fails to meet his/her admission conditions, the program office must notify the Graduate College to initiate drop action immediately after the term in which the conditions were not met. The memo must include the item(s) the student failed to comply with from the original limited status admission letter, as well as a copy of the original letter sent to the student at the time of admission. After review to ensure procedure and policy was followed, the Graduate College will send a dismissal letter to the student, with a copy to the director of graduate studies. Only in exceptional cases will the Graduate College consider an extension. In those cases, the student must petition the Graduate College and include the department’s recommendation. Monitoring limited conditions and dismissing students for not meeting limited conditions must be done consistently and fairly.

If the student is canceled by the Admissions Office for violation of pending conditions, this is a separate action than being dropped for violating limited status conditions.


Student Level: 2Y. Application Decisions (Slate)

Admit – no pending condition(s)

Conditional Admit – pending official/final academic credentials

Admit (2) – second admit decision for a term no pending conditions

Conditional Admit (2) – second admit for term pending official/final academic credentials

Cleared admit – admit clear once pending conditions satisfied

Applicants admitted as nondegree students may be assigned to a program and thus are subject to department review of admission credentials, or they may be unassigned. Nondegree students assigned to a program are counted in the program’s headcount and are identified as nondegree students on the tenth day verification lists. Unassigned nondegree students are identified with the general program code 20FS1780NDEG. Nondegree applicants may not be admitted on limited status. Nondegree students are not eligible for most types of financial assistance including UIC assistantships and tuition and service fee waivers.

Other Admission Cases Heading link

In exceptional cases, UIC undergraduates who are within 8 semester hours of completing the baccalaureate at the time of matriculation to the graduate program may be admitted to a graduate program. Such applicants should notify the program of the intention to begin the graduate program without first obtaining the baccalaureate, and their application credentials should be reviewed with this in mind. Applicants admitted under the “within 8 hours” policy are always admitted on limited-pending status (code 46) and must complete their baccalaureate degree within two (2) terms in residency. Failure to meet this requirement will result in dismissal from the Graduate College. Undergraduate courses used to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements are transferred towards the baccalaureate by the undergraduate college. Graduate courses not transferred toward the undergraduate degree are automatically counted towards the graduate degree. Applicants admitted under this classification are considered graduate students and are eligible for consideration for graduate assistantships, fellowships, and tuition and service-fee waivers.