ITS Policy

The University of Illinois at Chicago has an International Safety and Travel (ITS) Policy for faculty, staff, and students traveling internationally on UIC-authorized business. Its purpose is to ensure faculty, staff, and students have the necessary and essential information to make informed and safe decisions regarding international travel and that they obtain comprehensive insurance (medical, evacuation, emergency family visit and repatriation) for the period of their international travel.

Key Points

  • All UIC students who travel outside the U.S. and its territories on UIC-related or authorized travel must enroll in the ITS travel roster and obtain the University of Illinois System’s comprehensive insurance plan (Gallagher) or equivalent insurance approved by the UIC Study Abroad Office.

The ITS policy has no bearing on faculty, staff, or students’ personal travel that is unrelated to their work or academic duties at UIC.


To enroll in the ITS roster, faculty, staff, and students should visit the main OGE webpage and click the International Travel Safety Enrollment link.


Using their Net ID, all members of the UIC community will be able to enroll in the roster.  At the end of the enrollment process, there is a link to Gallagher insurance.  At the Gallagher landing page, faculty and staff should click the “Faculty/Staff Travel Insurance Enroll” link.

For additional information or questions, contact the Office of Global Engagement for more information.