
Thesis Submission

All theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically as a PDF using the UIC Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) submission system.

iThenticate Review Procedures

Effective for thesis and dissertation defenses occurring on January 1, 2015 or later, students will be required to review their thesis/dissertation using iThenticate.

Thesis Manual

The Thesis Manual was prepared by the Graduate College to provide guidance for the student and advisor in the formal preparation of the thesis, and should be consulted before the student begins compiling the document. While there are a number of format and presentation requirements that should be followed, the Graduate College allows for deviations for accepted disciplinary manuscript practices, and the guidelines allow flexiblity for many of these deviations.  Consult the manual for more information, and also consult with your advisor and department.  A checklist is provided in the back of the Thesis Manual, and it  should be carefully reviewed.

The Thesis Manual should be consulted on questions of format.  Additional questions should be directed to your advisor, Director of Graduate Studies, or program thesis coordinator since the format is mainly approved by the program.  Issues that the Thesis Manual may not fully address and that your program can’t answer, as well as questions on the submission of the thesis to the Graduate College not stated in the manual, may be addressed to the Thesis Coordinator in the Graduate College.

Policy on Non-English Theses and Dissertations

Theses and dissertations should be submitted in English (excluding quotes in another language).  On occasion, other languages may be used when there are sound academic reasons. The title page and abstract must always be in English.

If the primary literature on a subject matter is in another language, and the thesis or dissertation addresses a community of scholars who publish in a language other than English, a student may elect to write the thesis/dissertation in that language at the discretion of the student’s department, provided that all committee members read the language and support its use in the dissertation. Approval of the Director of Graduate Studies from the student’s program is required. All theses/dissertations must include an abstract and title page in English. A second title page in the language of the thesis/dissertation may be included or the English title page may also include the title in the dissertation language underneath the English title.

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