Why We Need to Talk More About Mental Health in Graduate School

By Kathryn R. Wedemeyer-Strombel, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 28, 2019

"In my first year as a doctoral student, I read a lot of online parodies about graduate-school life. Dark humor was a coping strategy for me and my cohort, which is why we regularly read Tumblr sites like Lego Grad Student and What Should We Call Grad School, as well as PhD Comics." [The Grad College hosted Jorge Cham for a showing of his film!]

For the full article, visit: https://www.chronicle.com/article/why-we-need-to-talk-more-about-mental-health-in-graduate-school/

Kathryn R. Wedemeyer-Strombel recently earned her Ph.D. in environmental science at the University of Texas at El Paso as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow