What Not to Say in a Job Interview at a Two-Year College
Chronicle of Higher Education (March 4, 2020)
Every March, as faculty interview season gets underway at two-year colleges, I find myself thinking back on some of the memorable train wrecks I’ve witnessed. [...]
If you have an interview this spring for a full-time faculty position at a two-year college, here are seven verbal pitfalls to avoid. The first three are things you shouldn’t say to a community-college search committee, and the rest are comments best avoided during job interviews at any type of institution. [...]"
Rob Jenkins is an associate professor of English at Georgia State University Perimeter College. He writes for The Chronicle’s column on community colleges, "The Two-Year Track." The views expressed here are his own.
For the full article, visit: https://www.chronicle.com/article/What-Not-to-Say-in-a-Job/248166