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Translating Teaching Into Transferable Skills

Jovana Milosavljevic Ardeljan and Victora Hallinan explain how grad students can use their teaching skills in applying for industry jobs.

"When you were a kid and they asked you what you want to be when you grow up, did you say you wanted to be a teacher?

One of us, Jovana, did, and I became one. After earning my bachelor’s degree in English language and literature, I immediately started working as an English teacher. I taught for five years and then decided to go back to school. I got my M.A. in linguistics and my Ph.D. in education and continued teaching for two more years....I’m working in academic administration—and I still use the skills I gained through teaching.

The other of us, Victoria, found her own answer to the question: first baker, then author, then teacher. My first full-time role after receiving my Ph.D. in world history combined teaching with administration, including overseeing staff and instructors. When I started, I struggled with people management...."

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