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‘Teaching Tidbits’

Join CATE facilitators for our 90-minute, interactive online workshops.

Have you been wondering how you can help your students become more engaged or how to encourage more active discussions in your classes? Have you ever wished you could get more feedback from your students, beyond course evaluations? Are you looking for strategies to build your classroom learning community? The Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence is here to help!

We are excited to offer our first Teaching Tidbits workshop series this fall. Join CATE facilitators for our 90-minute, interactive online workshops. We’ll be covering topics such as inclusive teaching, active learning and student engagement, teaching with technology and curriculum design.

CATE facilitators will provide overviews of each topic, discuss different strategies, and offer you tools, resources, and examples that you can start integrating into your teaching right away.

Each workshop will be offered twice during the semester — choose the date that works best for your schedule.

Schedule for Fall 2021

Enhancing Student Engagement in a Blended Synchronous Classroom

Reflective Teaching: Leveraging Student Feedback to Inform Your Teaching

Cultivating Equitable Discussions by Integrating Active Learning into Large-Enrollment Courses

Fostering a Growth Mindset and Sense of Belonging in Your Students

Get SMART: Crafting Learning Objectives to Foster and Measure Student Learning

For questions about Teaching Tidbits or other teaching support, contact the Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence staff at
