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Navigating the Surprising Stress of a Job Offer

It can prompt as much panic as delight, writes Derek Attig, who offers advice on how best to deal with it all.

"Looking for a job can be pretty terrible, and it’s often a long slog. Amid that stretched-out stress, it’s easy to start thinking of a job offer as a kind of holy grail, a singular solution to all your problems. But what I see over and over again, among the hundreds of graduate students I advise each year, is that the job offer is often its own source of emotional turmoil. A sudden offer, or the sense that one might be incoming, can prompt as much panic as delight. [...]

"Whether you decide to accept the offer or not -- both valid choices -- make peace and make plans. More doors will open as you move along the paths of your career. Consider how your next job can prepare you to open them when the time comes. And don’t forget to celebrate!"

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