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Recipients of the Public Service Graduate Internship Award

Providing graduate students with a public service opportunity during a period of crisis

Inspired by another difficult time in the country's history, the Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Chicago created a new award in order to fund graduate students who are suddenly un- or under-funded for the summer due to the global pandemic.

The Public Service Graduate Internship Award (PSGIA) allows our graduate students to serve in the interest of the public good while obtaining valuable “hands-on” experience, albeit virtually, in academic, administrative, and student service units at UIC. Students will build or strengthen skills translatable to their chosen academic or non-academic career path and receive a monetary award.

The following students have been offered a PSGIA.


PSGIA Awardees Heading link

Last Name First Name Dept/Program Host
Adoff Julian Art History Dept of Art History
AlQaisi Mohammed English Museum and Exhibition Studies Program (MUSE)
Alvarez Marina MUSE Dept of African American Studies
Batista Annanda Nursing Women's Leadership & Resource Center
Borzenkova Elenar Political Science Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research
Brown Deziree English Dept of Gender & Women's Studies
Czurylo Todd Economics Office of Innovation
Daniel Meghan Sociology Women's Leadership & Resource Center
Ding Tingting Political Science Dept of Educational Psychology
Ellawala Themal Anthropology Dept of Global Asian Studies
Galvan Mora Jojo MUSE MUSE
Gordon Llinas Nicolas History Dept of Infectious Diseases
Gorkovoi Andrei Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies Dept of Art History
Haiti Yasmine Political Science Arab American Cultural Center
Hajimohammad Siamack Art History MUSE
Hofford Summer Architecture Office of Sustainability
Holum Erika MUSE Asian American Resource Center
Horowitz Emily Disability Studies Disability Cultural Center
Jung Min Young Nursing MUSE
Kaczmarczyk Laura History MAT Dept of Philosophy
Khoshnavaz Motlagh Laleh Studio Arts MUSE
Kim Hanae Curriculum Instruction Language Resource Center
Lee Grace School of Public Health School of Public Health Collaboratory for Health Justice
Madsen Alexandra Architecture Office of Sustainability
Mohammadi Neshat Computer Science Office of International Services
Montes Onyx MUSE Dept of Art History
Moore Ceily Educational Psychology Dept of Educational Psychology
Moore Thomas English Honors College
Pasanen Jenna Criminology, Law, and Justice Dean of Students
Pereira Priscilla Curriculum Instruction College of Education
Rahimifard Leila Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Abroad Office
Shahmohammadi Mina Chemical Engineering Office of Innovation
Sharma Ajapa History Dept of Art History
Silva Angela Sociology Dept of Sociology
Strasser Mikayla Educational Psychology Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research
Toure Nancy Sociology Office of Diversity
Vujkov Aleksandar Art History Dept of Germanic Studies
Wenzel Erik Art History MUSE