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Recipients of Fall 2022 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost's Graduate Research Award. Since the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award uses an ad-hoc awards committee with members from three different units (and it closes today), its recipients will be announced in January, 2023.


Award for Graduate Research Heading link

The Award for Graduate Research (AGR) is open to all current graduate students, in programs under the auspices of the Graduate College, who seek funding in these three categories: travel, summer stipend, and materials/supplies. There are two competitions annually.
The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Award underwrites research in clinical and basic medical sciences. Deiss-funded awards are designated with an asterisk (*).
Last Name First/Preferred Name Program
*Andrianopoulou Angeliki Pharmaceutical Sciences
Boselli Elena Biomedical Engineering
Cho Kyoungmin Philosophy
*Dai Yitao Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dequilla Ashley Art
*Fiorentini Silvia Biomedical Engineering
Kepler Angela Art History
Khurana Aishani Anthroplogy
*Killam Ben Biological Sciences
Kim Sungjoon Chemical Engineering
Nemade Roshan Yashwant Chemical Engineering
Ream Leeann Museum and Exhibition Studies (MUSE)
Smith Samantha Public Health Sciences, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
*Syroegin Egor Biological Sciences
Taha Raguez Civil Engineering

Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award Heading link

The annual Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Awards (OTD) reward outstanding scholarship in each of the Graduate College’s four divisions. Winners may be nominated for regional and national competitions. (There was a tie in the EMPS division.) Alphabetical by last name.
Last name First/Preferred name Mentor Program Title
Della Fara Greta Markus Wimmer Biomedical Engineering Nanotube Generation on Titanium Kirschner Wire and Electrophoretic Deposition of Gentamicin and Chitosan (master's thesis)
Ferris Dobles Michele Steve Jones Communication Hybrid Migration: An Analysis of the Interconnections Between Migration and Media (PhD)
Gao Yuan Jie Xu Mechanical Engineering Acoustic Bubbles in Microfluidics for Biological and Biomedical Applications (PhD)
Glaser Noah Joaquin Chavez History The Age of Regeneration: Capitalism and the French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867) (PhD)
Liu Xizhi Dhruv Mubayi Mathematics Extremal Hypergraph Problems (PhD)
Olek Emily Lisa Lee Art History So-called "Outsiders": A Case Against the Moniker (master's thesis)
Radoman Milena Olusola A. Ajilore Neuroscience Effective Connectivity During Threat Processing in Internalizing Psychopathology and Alcohol Use Disorder (PhD)

Provost's Graduate Research Award Heading link

The Provost's Graduate Research Award (PGRA) supports scholarship by providing students early in their studies to develop new research directions for their PhD dissertations or terminal degree thesis/capstone project. This annual "seed funding" competition helps students to develop stronger applications for funding from external sources. Inter- or multi-disciplinarity is strongly encouraged.
Occasionally, endowments permit us to fund additional awards and these are marked with an asterisk. The LJ and M Allen Cancer Research Fund--*(A)--underwrites cancer-related research. The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Fund--*(D)--underwrites research in clinical and basic medical sciences.
Donors make a difference!
Last name First/preferred name Program
Alvarez Marina Art History
Charmoy Kristie Biological Sciences
Delgado Yanelet Curriculum and Instruction
Epishev Aleksei History
Ghosh Ritu Anthropology
Jung (*A) Dahee Pharmaceutical Sciences
Khan Mariya Sociology
Kim Mhinjine Health Policy Administration
Lichade Ketki Industrial Engineering
Mukhopadhyay Sohini History
Ojo Sekordri History
Paget-Blanc (*D) Alexandra Neuroscience
Pham Thao Public Administration
Silva Angela Sociology
Whyte Sarah Art
Wooden Leslie Art History
Wu Qiuyan Learning Sciences

Increasingly, students apply for both the AGR and the PGRA in the fall. This is permitted as long as the projects are scaled accordingly; however, a student will be awarded one–not both. Applicants for the AGR and PGRA are encouraged to re-apply although unsuccessful PGRA applicants may choose to use the feedback received to apply directly for external funds.