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Recipients of Fall 2021 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost's Graduate Research Award. Since the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award uses an ad-hoc awards committee with members from three different units (and it closes today), its recipients will be announced in January, 2022.


Award for Graduate Research Heading link

The Award for Graduate Research (AGR) is open to all current graduate students, in programs under the auspices of the Graduate College, who seek funding in these three categories: travel, summer stipend, and materials/supplies. There are two competitions annually.
The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Award underwrites research in clinical and basic medical sciences. Deiss-funded awards are designated with an asterisk (*).
Last Name First/Preferred Name Program
Barton Sarah History
Brown* Grace Biomedical Engineering
Chapagai Swaty Biobehavioral Nursing Science
Cho Kay Philosophy
Cortes-Delgado Natalia Biological Sciences/Ecology and Evolution
Dequilla Ashley Art
Govinda Rajan* Sriivatsan Biological Sciences
Hoots Jennifer Psychology
Jun Jeehye Biobehavioral Nursing Science
Mangutov* Elizaveta Neuroscience
Martin-Lockhart Zoey Anthropology
Monckton* Chase Biomedical Engineering
Ngyuen* Tung Physiology & Biophysics (GEMS)
Paltell* Katherine Psychology
Ryan Nini Biomedical Visualization
Vance Ashley Anthropology
Wu Mengren Mechanical Engineering
Zhang Zhehao Biomedical Engineering

Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award Heading link

The annual Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Awards (OTD) reward outstanding scholarship in each of the Graduate College’s four divisions. Winners may be nominated for regional and national competitions.
Last name First/Preferred name Mentor Program Title
Arican Alize Tarini Bedi Anthropology "Figuring It Out: Inhabiting Urban Transformation in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul" (PhD)
Gayles LaMar Therese Quinn MUSE "Crafting and Forging The Black Diaspora: Black Histories in Jewelry" (MA)
Joyee Erina Baynojir Yayue Pan Industrial Engineering and Operations Research "Magnetic Field-assisted Stereolithography for Productions of Multi-material Objects with Surface Structures" (PhD)
Murali Deepthi Catherine Becker Art History "Transculturality, Sensoriality, and Politics of Decorative Arts of Kerala, India" (PhD)
Olagoke Ayokunle Yamile Molina SPH-Community Health Sciences "The role of religiosity in HPV vaccination" (PhD)
Tardini Elisa Xinhua Zhang Computer Science "Recursive deep meta-reinforcement learning for personalized sequential dynamic treatment policies" (MS)

Provost's Graduate Research Award Heading link

The Provost's Graduate Research Award (PGRA) supports scholarship and provides a way for students early in their studies to develop new research directions for their PhD dissertations or terminal degree thesis/capstone project. This annual "seed funding" competition helps students to develop stronger applications for funding from external sources. Inter- or multidisciplinarity is strongly encouraged.
Occasionally, endowments permit us to fund additional awards and these are marked with an asterisk. Both the LJ and M Allen Cancer Research Fund *(A) and the Dorothea Fleming *(F) Student Research Fund underwrite cancer-related research. Donors make a difference!
Last name First/preferred name Program
Adibfar Leili Art History
Adoff Julian Art History
Aguilera Lora Lidia Hispanic and Italian studies
Bhandari Avash History
Deikun Hanna History
Flecha Vega Raquel Art History
Gongal Dipika Civil, Material, and Environmental Engineering
Kepler Angela Art History
Khurana Aishani Anthropology
Laczkovich Irina Microbiology and Immunology
Lee Sueyeon Biobehavioral Nursing Science
Marshall Megan Hispanic and Italian Studies
Monge Susan Anthropology
Moore Thomas English
Rajaraman *(A) Akshaya Biological Sciences
Vargas Yesenia Sociology
Wang *(F) Kun Chemical Engineering
Whirley Megan History
Zhao Derek Sociology