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A Realistic Work Strategy for the Long-Covid Crowd

An academic-writing coach answers readers’ questions on coping with deadlines amid lingering health issues.

Note: In the “Are You Working?” series, a Ph.D. and academic-writing coach answers questions from faculty members and graduate students about scholarly motivation and productivity. 

Question: Despite the triple vaccine, I’ve had a Covid infection recently — and, like one out of five of my compatriots, some of my symptoms have not abated and possibly never will. I know you’re not that kind of doctor, but how in the world am I supposed to remain “productive” with long Covid? Signed, Guess I’m “Super Immune” Now?

Dear Super Immune,

Welcome to the club. I, too, recently succumbed to a breakthrough infection, and although my case was demonstrably mild, there are some things that have yet to return to whatever the heck “normal” once was. I am both bewildered and infuriated by what, at times, feels like a pandemic-fatigued greater society’s “plug your ears and go, ‘La la la, I can’t hear you’” approach to safety and prevention. [....]

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