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Learning to Do Less During Challenging Transitions

It can go a long way when it comes to the quality of our mental health, writes Adriana Bankston, who offers advice for coping effectively.

"Over the past year, I have experienced many transitions, both in a personal and professional sense, which I have written about previously. Professionally, this journey involved moving to a high-performance city, transitioning into another field, being in a new fellowship position, building a new network, finding a permanent job and learning the job duties on the go. It has been an exciting experience but also a mentally taxing one. I could feel the pressures that came with several of those transitions, and I learned a great deal in the process. In fact, I probably learned more about myself this year than ever before." [...]

"I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learned through my own experience.

Don’t do it alone. [...]

Don’t overdo it. [...]

Stop and reflect. [...]

Find enjoyable hobbies. [...]"

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