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Learn by working: experiential pathways in graduate studies

Internships provide students with a broader view of the world and professional skills development, which can transcend their in-class knowledge.

"Previously found almost exclusively in undergraduate programs, there is now growing support for developing experiential learning (i.e. work experience) at the graduate level. Students across disciplines are hungry for alternative ways to learn, but also to be remunerated for their skills."

Resources for graduate students building professional toolkits

About the authors:

Alice Isac creates new experiential learning programs for students in all programs and levels of study at Concordia University. Emilie Martel accompanies economics students through the transition between studies and the workforce as program coordinator of internships and experiential learning at Concordia. Eve Pankovitch manages the internship and experiential opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in political science at Concordia. Niem Huynh is an internship matchmaker and supports graduate students in the master’s of environmental assessment program at Concordia.

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