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Recipients of Fall 2020 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost's Graduate Research Award.

Award for Graduate Research Heading link

The Award for Graduate Research (AGR) is open to all current graduate students, in programs under the auspices of the Graduate College, who seek funding in these three categories: travel, summer stipend, and materials/supplies. There are two competitions annually.
The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Award underwrites research in clinical and basic medical sciences. Deiss-funded awards are designated with an asterisk (*).
Last name First name Program
An* Jinghua Nursing
Batool Zahra Biological Sciences
Boylan* Emma Public Health Sciences
Christianen Daniel Chemical Engineering
Dubrovina Anastasia Moving Image
Gayles LaMar Museum and Exhibition Studies
Hanosh* Ouday Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heller* Gregory Neuroscience
Holzman Jesse Sociology
Luan Qiyue Bioengineering
McNamara Ellyn Disability Studies
Monge Susan Anthropology
Morvaird Hashem Philosophy
Olagoke Ayokunle Public Health Sciences
Petraitis* Hannah Medicinal Chemistry/PharmSci
Potisopha Wiphawadee Nursing
Shylendra Ahish Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sitnikova Anastasia Studio Art
Ubaka Adaora Business Administration
Wang* Siwen Biomedical Visualization

Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award Heading link

The annual Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Awards (OTD) reward outstanding scholarship in each of the Graduate College’s four divisions. Winners may compete in regional and national competitions.
Last name First name Mentor Program Title
Alam Minhaj Nur Xincheng Yao Bioengineering "Quantitative analysis and automated classification of retinal images" (PhD)
Espinoza-Leon Mariela Emmanuel Ortega Art History “‘Corazón de Lumbre, Alma de Nieve’: Constructing the Sentiment of Nationalism through La Leyenda de Los Volcanes” (MA)
Linder Ben Mark Liechty Anthropology "Mobility, Cosmopolitanism, and the Productions of Place in Kathmandu: A Spatial Ethnography of Thamel" (PhD)
Maki Katherine Anne Fink Nursing "Cardiovascular and Gut Microbiome Responses to Sleep Disruption in Rats" (PhD)
Soresini Giulia Hananeh Esmailbeigi Bioengineering "Distribution Analysis of the Tongue's Free-Exploration Pattern using an Oral Wearable Device" (MS)
Wan Simon Hinman Martha Pollak Art History "Intertwined Genealogies: Dutch, Chinese, and Colonial Indonesian Architecture of Philanthropy, 1640-1740" (PhD)

Provost's Graduate Research Award Heading link

The Provost's Graduate Research Award (PGRA) supports multidisciplinary scholarship and provides a way for students early in their studies to develop new research directions for their PhD dissertations or terminal degree thesis/capstone project. This annual "seed funding" competition helps students to develop stronger applications for funding from external sources. Occasionally, endowments permit us to fund additional awards and these are marked with an asterisk. The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Award provides funds for research in clinical and basic medical sciences; awardees are designated with "*(D)." Both the LJ and M Allen Cancer Research Fund *(A) and the Dorothea Fleming *(F) Student Research Fund underwrite cancer-related research. Donors make a difference!
Last name First name Program Division
Abdelrahim Randa Disability Studies Life Sciences
Arvan Mohammad Computer Science Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Bandela *(D) Mounica Bioengineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Banikazemi Cyrus Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Chatterjee Rukmava Mechanical Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Cheng *(A) Changfeng Medicinal Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Sciences Life Sciences
Cheng Deion Microbiology and Immunology Life Sciences
Coliaie Paria Chemical Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
DaViera *(D) Andrea Psychology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Dominguez-Fret Nancy Curriculum & Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences
Elagha Noor Psychology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Foster Artie Art History Arts and Humanities
Gribkova Nadezda Art History Arts and Humanities
Holum Erika Museum and Exhibition Studies Arts and Humanities
Jung Min Young Nursing Science Life Sciences
Kiani Dara Microbiology and Immunology Life Sciences
Kim Janis Kinesiology Life Sciences
Li Kaiyu Political Science Behavioral and Social Sciences
Maldonado Weng Juan Anatomy and Cell Biology Life Sciences
Palczewski *(F) Marianne Pharmaceutical Sciences Life Sciences
Ruth Andrew Economics Behavioral and Social Sciences
Rysbek Zhanibek Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Schoenknecht Mark English Arts and Humanities
Sharma Riya Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Srimoragot *(D) Manassawee Nursing Science Life Sciences
Syroegin *(D) Egor Biological Sciences Life Sciences
Tylor Kaitlyn Microbiology and Immunology Life Sciences
Varillas Palacios Rosa Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Volpintesta Haley Sociology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Yazdanpanah Ghasem Bioengineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Yuan Yang Bioengineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences