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Recipients of Fall 2019 Awards

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of three autumnal competitions: the Award for Graduate Research, the Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award, and the Provost's Graduate Research Award.

Award for Graduate Research Heading link

The Award for Graduate Research (AGR) is open to all current graduate students, in programs under the auspices of the Graduate College, who seek funding in these three categories: travel, summer stipend, and materials/supplies.
*The W.C. and May Preble Deiss Fund for Biomedical Research Award provides funds for research in clinical and basic medical sciences.
Last name First name Program
Abbott Rebecca Sociology
Chen Chih-Wei Biological Sciences
Hathaway Michelle Public Health
Holmberg-Peroux Maximillien Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Holum Erika Museum and Exhibition Studies
Menon Shilpa Anthropology
Peplinski Joy Biological Sciences
Prajapati Aditya Chemical Engineering
Principe Daniel Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Psimogiannou Aikaterini Anthropology
Schuster Maggie Art History
Sokolowski* Karol Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Song Youngkwan Nursing
Tafolar Mine Political Science

Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award Heading link

The annual Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award (OTD) rewards outstanding scholarship in each of the Graduate College’s four divisions. Winners may compete in regional and national competitions.
Last name First name Mentor Program Title
Bhoi Amlaan Xinhua Zhang Computer Science Invariant Kernels for Few-shot Learning (MS)
Bugno Jason Seungpyo Hong Biopharmaceutical Sciences Engineered Ultrasmall Nanoparticles for Controlled Tumor Penetration (PhD)
Hanck Tyler John Whipple Philosophy Locke’s Confusion About the Confused Idea of Substance (PhD)
Harper Shannon Peter Ibarra Criminology, Law, and Society A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Neighborhood Domestic Violence Resources and Intimate Partner Homicide (PhD)
Tian Wei Jie Liang Bioinformatics Computational Investigation of Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Beta-Barrel Membrane Proteins (PhD)

Provost's Graduate Research Award Heading link

The Provost's Graduate Research Award (PGRA) supports multidisciplinary scholarship and provides a way for students early in their studies to develop new research directions for their PhD dissertations or terminal degree thesis/capstone project. This seed funding helps students to develop stronger applications for funding from external sources.
NB: Funds permitted seven additional winners to be added in February, 2020.
Last name First name Program Division
Ali Hashim History Arts and Humanities
Alvear Oscar Sociology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Barqué Falguera Anna Physiology & Biophysics Life Sciences
Chang Shuyu Earth and Environmental Sciences Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Dighe Anish Vikas Chemical Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Ellawala Themal Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Finestrat-Martinez Irene Hispanic Studies Behavioral and Social Sciences
Fowler Katherine Biological Sciences Life Sciences
Gao Jin Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Gayles LaMar Museum and Exhibition Studies Arts and Humanities
Hashad Reem Economics Behavioral and Social Sciences
Huang Chun-Hao Kinesiology Life Sciences
Joyee Erina Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Kasimova Zukhra History Arts and Humanities
Kiernan Kaitlyn Biochemistry Life Sciences
Kim Jun Young Philosophy Arts and Humanities
Lam Trinh Bioengineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Luo Zhen Chemical Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Ma Yingyi Computer Science Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Malik Lakshita Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Miller Alysa Psychology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Mitra Arjun Managerial Studies Behavioral and Social Sciences
Morvarid Hashem Philosophy Arts and Humanities
O'Connor Jared English Arts and Humanities
Pathmasiri Koralege Praneeth Chemistry Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Pendse Aaditya Chemical Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Psoma Aikaterini Anthropology Behavioral and Social Sciences
Rojas Robles Jaqueline Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences
Sharma Ajapa History Arts and Humanities
Smith Justin Slavic and Baltic Languages Arts and Humanities
Szustak Bailey Philosophy Arts and Humanities
Wieczorek Agnieszka Sociology Behavioral and Social Sciences