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Fall 2021 U-PASS Opt-Out

(Campus email, July 13, 2021)

For Fall 2021, students will have the option to opt-out of the CTA U-PASS program. This benefit is available to part-time (6-11 credit hours for undergraduate, graduate, professional), and full-time (12+ credit hours) students.

  • The Fall U-PASS will be active from August 18-December 15 (dates for the College of Medicine is Aug. 11-Dec. 17 and the College of Dentistry is Aug. 23-Dec. 17).
  • The deadline to opt-out for the Fall U-PASS is September 12, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. CDT.
  • After September 12, the opt-status cannot change for the duration of the fall session.
  • Students who drop below part-time status prior to the add/drop deadline will have their U-PASS deactivated.
  • All students are opted-in by default unless otherwise specified by the student at the website below, and a mandatory fee of $163 ($175 for College of Medicine) will be applied to student accounts after the start date.
  • Students that opt-out may see the U-PASS fee assessed on their university bill, but that charge will be reversed within 7-10 business days.

In order to opt-out and not receive the Fall 2021 U-PASS benefit, students may confirm their decision to opt-out at For students with existing U-PASS cards, the standard policies on lost/replacement cards will still be enforced.

Rex Tolliver
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

For more information, please contact:
ID Center

(Emphasis added; original post: