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Building Self-Efficacy for Ph.D. Success

For career advancement, you must believe in yourself and your own success, write Diane A. Safer and Natalie Lundsteen, who offer some advice on how to do so.

Your graduate school experience is full of challenges and hard work that will not only keep you busy but also make you feel as if you have no time to do or think about anything else -- especially what happens next. However, from the start, it is important to be proactive and to prepare for your next steps post-Ph.D.

Your Ph.D. program will focus a lot on the academic expertise, competencies and skills you need to develop during training. But we would like to suggest that for career and professional advancement, in addition to these competencies and skills, you must believe in yourself and your own success. In other words, you need to strengthen your self-efficacy. [...]

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