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American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Releases Study on [the] Value of Language Skills among U.S. Employers

ACTFL - Originally posted May 21, 2019 and abbreviated here:

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) today announced the findings of its survey that calls attention to the serious foreign language skills gap in the U.S. workforce. The report, “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers,” shows the critical demand in the U.S. economy for multilingual employees, providing the most comprehensive look at the value of foreign language to date.

The demand for language skills in the U.S. workforce is greater than ever before. [...]"

Key findings of the report include:

U.S. employers have a growing demand for multilingual employees. [...]

High-demand languages also have the greatest shortages. [...]

Foreign language skills impact employers’ bottom line. [...]

ACTFL’s report details the findings of a national survey among 1,200 upper-level managers and human resources professionals with knowledge of their organization’s foreign language needs. Public administration and government employers were excluded from this survey as were employers with fewer than 10 employees."

To learn more and to download the report, visit