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5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctoral Studies

Elisa Modolo offers recommendations based on what she wishes she’d known back when she was a graduate student herself.

So, you got accepted to a Ph.D. program. Congratulations!

I wish you the best experience ever. And to help you have it, here are five suggestions for those of you who are about to embark on this adventure or are in your first few years of a Ph.D. program. My recommendations focus on what I wish I had known back when I was a graduate student myself.

No. 1: Strive for a variety of experiences. [...]

No. 2: Take full advantage of the opportunities your university offers beyond your department. [...]

No. 3: Take an active role in your academic community. [...]

No. 4: Find a support friend or group of friends. [...]

No. 5: Compare your progress only to your past self’s situation. [...]

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