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PhD Time-to-Degree/Attrition

Below are reports showing the academic outcomes for doctoral students and the length of time it took to reach these. Doctoral study is considered to begin in the first academic year of enrollment in either the PhD program or its component Masters program. Notably, any hiatus taken by students during their academic journey is incorporated into their time-to-degree or attrition calculations.

Time is quantified in years and presented as both the median and 90th percentile, offering insights when 90% of the attrition or graduation sub-populations achieve their respective milestones. These reports, continually refined over several years, have evolved to encompass more recent data analyses. The Graduate College is actively enhancing these reviews to include the latest information and programs, with updates occurring every five years, covering a span of ten years of student data across all PhD programs.

All data has been sourced from the University’s Enterprise Data Warehouse.

Questions or comments regarding these reports?  Please contact Cody Whightsil at


Average Time to Degree By College

Liberal Arts and Sciences
