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Graduate College Academic Divisions

Some graduate programs have changed course since their creation and thus it was necessary to update the Graduate College’s four disciplinary divisions. One major change: interdisciplinary programs may now select the preferred review panel for a specific award or fellowship nomination, e.g., a student in disability studies might use methodologies better suited to the arts & humanities or behavioral & social sciences than life & health sciences. 

Listed below are departments that house a graduate degree program within the Graduate College. Programs that house graduate programs and are not in departments themselves are designated as such with brackets: [ ] = Programs.

For graduate programs housed at the level of a college, we list the name of the college instead of the department, e.g., “Education, College of.”

*=Interdisciplinary programs that have faculty and/or research methodologies that fit more than one division; Faculty’s home department or the individual project’s methodologies determine the appropriate division. (If you see errors, please contact Benn Williams.)

Arts and Humanities Heading link

Architecture Hispanic & Italian Studies*
Art History
Art History Linguistics
Design [Museum & Exhibition Studies]
English Philosophy
French & Francophone Studies Polish, Russian, & Central and Eastern European Studies (PRCEES)
Germanic Studies

Behavioral and Social Sciences Heading link

Accounting [Learning Sciences]*
Anthropology [Neuroscience]*
Business Administration, College of Medical Education
Communication Political Science
Criminology, Law, & Justice Psychology
Economics Public Administration
Education, College of Public Health Sciences*
Environmental & Urban Geography Social Work
Finance Sociology
Latin American & Latino Studies Urban Planning & Policy

Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Heading link

Biomedical Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering
Chemical Engineering Management Information Systems (MIS)
Chemistry Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science
Civil, Materials, & Materials Engineering Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Computer Science Physics
Earth & Environmental Sciences

Life and Health Sciences Heading link

Biological Sciences Occupational Therapy (MS only)
Biomedical & Health Information Sc [Oral Sciences]
Biomedical Sciences (GEMS) Pharmaceutical Sciences
Disability & Human Development; Disability Studies* Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes, and Policy (PSOP)
Kinesiology & Nutrition Physical Therapy (MS Healthspan)
[Leaming Sciences]* Public Health Sciences*
Medical Biotechnology Physiology & Biophysics
[Neuroscience]* [Rehabilitation Sciences] (PhD)
Nursing, College of *