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The PASSAGE Scholars Program

PASSAGE Scholars Program


The PASSAGE Scholars Program has been suspended until further notice [updated: March 2017].  

The Graduate College’s (GC) new PASSAGE Scholars Program is a doctoral transition experience for historically underrepresented (African American, Latino, and Native American) students entering PhD programs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). The purpose of the program is to prepare participants for the rigors of graduate study in STEM disciplines at UIC. In this program students acclimate themselves to their respective graduate programs, to the UIC campus, and to the city of Chicago – eight weeks before they begin their doctoral studies in August. The program dates are: Mid-June to Early August.  Here’s an overview of the program:

Program Benefits

  • A $4000 stipend for living expenses
  • Summer Housing (Required – Ends: TBD)
  • Summer Tuition Waiver and Paid Fees (2nd Summer Session)

Program Components

Transition to Graduate School

  • Summer rotation with a STEM faculty research mentor
  • Weekly workshops led by STEM faculty and advanced doctoral candidates

Mentoring and Career Development

  • Participation in GC-sponsored Mentoring & Support Initiative
  • Participation in GC-sponsored Career Development Workshops

Degree Progress and Placement Incentives

  • Up to $500 upon advancement to PhD candidacy
  • Up to $500 for post-graduate job interview travel


The Transmittal Form provides specific instructions for submitting applications for the PASSAGE Scholars Program. Applications must be uploaded to the UIC Box account via the following link:

UIC Passage Scholars Program Upload

The PASSAGE Scholars Program has been suspended until further notice [updated: March 2017].  

Directors of Graduate Study (DGS) must nominate students.  The application includes  a copy of the student’s graduate application materials submitted to the department.  In addition, the DGS’s nomination letter should detail why the student should be admitted to the PASSAGE Scholars Program with specific mention of the students’ strengths, weaknesses, and goals for the student summer. The nominee’s personal statement should detail why they should be admitted to the PASSAGE Scholars Program, and include details about their own academic and career goals as well as their own goals for the summer.

Application Deadline and Selection

  • The application deadline is: TBD.
  • The PASSAGE Scholars Program Advisory Committee will review applications and will announce the six students accepted for the Program by: TBD.


For more information contact Lunaire Ford, Assistant Dean: or 312-413-2556 and/or Francisco Piña, Director of Recruitment at or 312-413-9729.


The Graduate College’s PASSAGE Scholars Program was sponsored by an pilot grant from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) 2012-13 Award for Innovation in Promoting Success in Graduate Education and a contribution from the UIC campus.

Learn more about the UIC ETS/CGS Award and the Council of Graduate Schools at: