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ETD Responsibilities of Student, Thesis Chair, Program

In addition to the information provided on the various ETD pages listed below, there are certain responsibilities that fall on the student, advisor and program.  Although this does not deviate greatly from the paper thesis submission process, timing and knowledge of what each person needs to do is important.

Responsibilities of the Academic Program

  1. Each program must designate someone who will be responsible for thesis/dissertation format review.  This is not a check on content as that is the function of the defense committee.
  2. Before the student submits an ETD the student must obtain clearance from the program format approver.
  3. The program should make known their processes for format review to their students.

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair

  1. As part of the online submission, the student must input the email address of the defense committee chair.  Once the student submits an ETD the system will automatically generate an email to the address the student entered for the committee chair.
  2. The committee chair will receive the email that was automatically generated as part of the submission process, and which contains a link to the document.  The chair has to verify to the Graduate College ( that the document the student submitted is the final version (content, with all requested revisions) of what was approved by the committee.

Responsibilities of the Student

  1. The student is responsible for understanding the information on the various ETD pages listed below.
  2. Before the student submits an ETD the student must obtain clearance from the program format approver.
  3. The student must correctly enter the information on the defense committee and the defense committee chair.
  4. Once the defense committee chair has notified the Graduate College to proceed, the Graduate College may need additional information from the student, or request an updated PDF (if there is a format error in the title page).  The student must submit the requested materials or information by the deadline given in correspondence in order to successfully graduate in the term of submission.