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Graduate College Newsletters

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This newsletter is an easy and effective way to be informed about the resources available to you as graduate students at UIC. In this platform you will be able to access updates about upcoming events, happenings and resources on behalf of the Graduate College. Topics will change depending upon the needs of UIC graduate students. We hope that this newsletter offers insight into a hopeful future of virtual learning and communication between the graduate college and students. If you have additional resources that you think will be beneficial to our next newsletter, please feel free to reach out to us!

Theresa Christenson-Caballero | Director of Graduate Student Professional and Career Development |

Jodi Aguilar | Graduate Student Assistant for the Graduate College |



gradmatters is published both in print and online. This publication is written for alumni of the Graduate College, and is intended to highlight some of the recent achievements of current and past graduate students, and relevant initiatives Graduate College. The newsletter is now published once annually in the summer.


gradinfo is an online-only newsletter of the Graduate College for graduate students, Graduate College faculty, and support staff in graduate programs. The intent of the newsletter is to provide information on some of the initiatives and projects of the Graduate College, and to encourage feedback. The newsletter is published once each Fall and Spring Semester (with the possibility of shorter extra editions, if warranted). The first gradinfo newsletter was published Spring 2013.