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Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Format

The format (physical layout of the pages of the document) of an electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) should follow the format options specified in the Graduate College Thesis Manual.

ETD Format Heading link

The format of the title page for an ETD should include the names and roles of the defense committee. The chair and advisor should be specified as well as department (if from UIC) or institution (if from outside UIC) of the outside member. Sample ETD title pages (Word)

[committee names and other information in samples are fictional]:

  • Master’s (3 member committee) Sample A, chair & advisor same person, outside member from UIC
    Master’s (3 member committee) Sample B, chair & advisor different people, no outside member
    Doctoral (5 member committee) Sample C, chair & advisor same person, one outside member from UIC and one outside member from another institution
    Doctoral (5 member committee) Sample D, chair and advisor different people, one outside member from UIC and one outside member from another institution

All other preliminary pages (following the title page, technically page “i”) should be numbered accordingly, using lower case Roman numerals. The order should follow the Thesis Manual.

  • All ETD submissions require a separate abstract. This applies to master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. The abstract is not included within the thesis/dissertation.
  • With ETD submissions, a separate paper copy of the abstract is not required. Students, however, must paste an abstract (recommended 350 word maximum, but may be longer) in the text box provided as part of the online submission process.
  • Another text box during the submission process requires that keywords related to your document for search purposes be included.
  • The document must be converted and submitted as a single Portable Document File (PDF).
  • Security settings should not be applied to the PDF file.
  • The PDF file should not contain embedded multimedia.
  • In addition to the PDF you may submit the original format file of the document (Word, LaTex, etc.). This is recommended for the UIC Library to use as source material in the event the PDF is corrupted or not readable in the future.
  • Finally, you may upload supplementary appendix files such as audio, video or data sets. If the supplementary material is text and can be converted to PDF as part of your main document, it is recommended that they be included as an appendix within the ETD rather than as supplementary files.

Additional Requirements Heading link

  1. Master’s and doctoral students who submit a thesis have to pay a library publishing fee of $12.50.
  2. Use the University of Illinois Quickpay, which is a University-sanctioned secure link, to pay the library fee online. American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa (issued from United States banks only) are accepted. There is no additional charge to pay by credit card.

The following should be uploaded into the UIC Box folder the student creates for their committee and the Graduate College to view. The Graduate College will access via box, so the student should make sure proper access has been provided The form must be completed, and shared on box before your defense.

  • iThenticate Report Form

The following must be sent to the Graduate College by your program within 48 hours of the defense.

  • Examination Report Form (Graduate College copy only – the program will keep their copy and provide the student with the student’s copy)

The following must be completed online as part of an ETD submission.

  • Payment of the library fee.
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (doctoral students only). The Graduate College will receive confirmation of completion.

Policy on Non-English Theses and Dissertations Heading link

Theses and dissertations should be submitted in English (excluding quotes in another language). On occasion, other languages may be used when there are sound academic reasons. Read the Gradaute College Policy on non-English Theses and Dissertations on the main thesis page. The title page and abstract must always be in English.