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Principles and Practice of Writing for Graduate Students

What is GC 512? Heading link

  • GC 512 provides students with the principles and practices to write according to the conventions of academic English and to communicate with specialist and nonspecialist audiences. The course was designed for doctoral students who have completed at least 32 credit hours in their PhD program.
  • During the fall and spring semesters, we offer one section for STEM students and one section for students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. In the summer, we endeavor to offer one “mixed” section (STEM and non-STEM combined). While we occasionally experiment with a relaxation of the 32-credit-hour requirement, students who have completed all/most their coursework and who have a significant writing project underway benefit the most.
  • Using “Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory” grading, this 3-credit-hour elective may or may not be used towards degree requirements. Consult your graduate program’s Director of Graduate Studies. The course may be repeated for credit, space permitting.

How do I register? Heading link

The student’s Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) must approve and recommend registration to the Graduate College. The DGS sends Dr. Vincent Adiutori the student’s name, UIN, NetID, department/program name, and # of credit hours completed. He reviews recommendations and approves based upon space and need. Enrollment for each section is capped at 18.

When does GC 512 meet? Heading link

Spring 2024 sections:

  • CRN 40746: Wednesdays 3:00-5:50, Online Synchronous, STEM focused.
  • CRN 39467: Thursdays 3:30-6:20, Online Synchronous, Humanities/Social Sciences focused.

Course learning outcomes Heading link

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

1. write according to the conventions of academic English

  • at the sentence level: use various types of clauses, make appropriate verb choices, avoid needless complexity and jargon
  • at the paragraph level: write clear topic sentences, employ smooth transitions within paragraphs, and create coherence across paragraphs

2. use a writing process prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, submitting to successfully complete academic writing assignments

3. identify strengths and weaknesses in a text

4. create effective posters and/or PowerPoint presentations

5. communicate effectively with specialist and nonspecialist audiences


Dr. Vincent Adiutori Heading link

Lecturer, GC 512

601 S. Morgan St., 626 UH, 192, Chicago, Illinois 60607